Biden’s Economic Disaster — Watch Cure America Episode 64

As prices skyrocket at the local grocery store and shelves are increasingly bare, the supply chain clogged and inflation rising, the new realities of the Biden economy are beginning to hit the American people. Yet, President Biden forges ahead pushing legislation — the reconciliation bill — in Congress that would cause more devastation to American families trying to make ends meet.

What our president really loves is big government and political power, and there is no more reliable money for Democrats than unions. As Congress continues to debate the reconciliation bill, we take a look at part of the bill on this week’s episode of CURE America, specifically the PRO Act, the Protect the Right to Organize parts of the bill that would protect unions and upend the gig economy where so many people are now making a living as independent contractors and entrepreneurs.

We speak with some fantastic experts on the subject: Diana Furchgott-Roth, an economist and adjunct professor at George Washington University; Sean Higgins, Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute; Loren Smith, President of the Skyline Policy Risk Group; Joel Griffith, Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation; and Jonathan Alexandre, Senior Counsel at Liberty Counsel Action.

The American people can’t afford what the Left is serving up in this reconciliation bill. We need freedom to choose our career paths not be forced into unions.

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