Brave Girls at This High School Stood Up For Themselves by REFUSING to Play Against a Boy on Opposing Team

As I’ve said before: We must stand with girls who do the brave thing and refuse to risk injuries and sacrifice fair competition and go along with the nonsensical and highly offensive social trend of pretending boys can be girls.

Even boys who wear dresses generally are taller, larger, stronger, and faster than girls. It is scandalous that adults allow this to happen.

The New York Post reported that Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School’s girls field hockey team in Massachussetts forfeited a game rather than play against an opposing team that included a boy.

And you won’t believe this: adults in the school district support the girls’ decision! Strange, right?

The superintendent, Bill Runey, said in a statement that the school district “supports this decision as there are times where we have to place a higher value on safety than on victory. We understand this forfeit will impact our chances for a league championship and possibly playoff eligibility, but we remain hopeful that other schools consider following suit to achieve safety and promote fair competition for female athletes.”

All school leaders should support girls who stand up and say, “No.” Boys have an unfair advantage when it comes to physical sports. Girls know they’re competing for lower placement. They are cheated of victories, all in the name of an absurd social agenda that should have every parent of minors in this country seeing red.

Under a new school district policy, girls’ teams can forfeit games under these conditions without penalty.

Other women and girls have spoken out against “transgender” policies.

Members of the women’s swim team at Roanoke College in Virginia said NO.

A teenage girl in Vermont stood up to her school’s administration after she and others were humiliated as a boy watched them change in the girls’ locker room.

At one school in Pennsylvania, hundreds of students walked out in protest over such a policy — and the school reversed it.

Girls should not have to stand alone to protect themselves and the integrity of female sports.

Photo credit: By Kenneth C. Zirkel – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, link

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  1. It’s not even that the obvious FACTS are ignored, that a Lie is perpetrated, or that males are at an advantage – NO, it’s that COWARDS are in Leadership Roles, that Godlessness is pushed, and TRUTH subvertted… it’s called Defrauding and should be a criminal offense at ALL Levels of harm to our Ladies. Xy don’t lie – Bio 101 is clear and a punishment preclude participation in Female ANYTHING! PERIOD. SINister are the cowards n Shameful the pretending males.

  2. Kudos to these young women, their parents, coaches, school administrators and school board. These women must not stand alone but they must stand and others will follow accordingly.

    “Everybody in the pool!” was never about this.