Curriculum Transparency — The Next Frontier for Concerned Parents

Leftists say government schools aren’t teaching “critical race theory” (CRT) and the same time defend teaching it. Concerned parents have had enough of the obfuscation.

NBC reported that at least 12 states, including Florida, have introduced measures to require government schools to post their curriculum online.

Parents across the country have been attending school board meetings and demanding to know what schools are teaching their children. These parents oppose the teaching of CRT and “transgender” indoctrination, and they don’t want their kids wearing masks in classrooms all day. A father in Loudoun County accused a school of covering up his daughter’s rape. He said a boy wearing a skirt raped her in the girls’ bathroom. The father was arrested during a school board meeting.

The National School Boards Association’s (NSBA) former president Viola M. Garcia and former Interim Executive Director and CEO Chip Slaven wrote a letter (PDF) last September to President Joe Biden asking him to investigate “threats” against school board members and compared parents to domestic terrorists. Attorney General Merrick Garland wrote in response (PDF) that he’d direct the FBI to meet with state and local law enforcement to investigate the threats.

After parents and state school board members complained about the letter, the NSBA board ending up apologizing for it. On this basis, Republican lawmakers asked Garland to withdraw his memo. As of this writing, he hasn’t.

Lawmakers are listening to their constituents. What are government schools teaching or planning to teach kids? Parents want to know the truth. From NBC:

Many curriculum transparency proponents point to a remark Democrat Terry McAuliffe made in a Virginia gubernatorial debate in September, when he said, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” The comment by McAuliffe, who went on to lose the election even though Virginia is trending increasingly blue, drew swift condemnation from conservatives, and it was widely seen as a boon for Republican candidates in the state.

Republicans nationwide have vowed to keep conversations around critical race theory at the center of their midterm elections strategy.

“We reject the notion that parents shouldn’t have a say in what their kids are learning in school,” DeSantis said in his speech last week, appearing to refer to McAuliffe’s comments. Beienburg, of the Goldwater Institute, said McAuliffe’s comments were “a slap in the face to parents.”

Photo credit: Alliance for Excellent Education (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

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