Did Anti-Trump Bias Play a Role in How FBI Agents Did Their Jobs?

The U.S. Department of Justice’s inspector general concluded that there is no evidence “directly connecting the political views” of FBI employees who sent anti-Trump text messages and instant messages to “specific investigative decisions we reviewed” related to the probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server while conducting classified government business as Secretary of State.

The Conservative Review’s Deneen Borelli believes otherwise.

“The truth is, the inspector general’s report reveals extreme anti-Trump bias from FBI leadership,” she said. “From their contempt of Donald Trump with words, including ‘loathsome,’ ‘an idiot,’ ‘awful,’ ‘an enormous d**che,’ and ‘f**k Trump.'”

And they used contemptuous words to describe people who support President Donald Trump as well.

FBI agent Peter Strzok sent anti-Trump text messages to an FBI lawyer who didn’t like Donald Trump. When the lawyer asked Strzok via text whether Trump would become president (in dismay), he assured her: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.” They exchanged many anti-Trump messages.

Strzok, who was romantically involved with the woman, led the Clinton e-mail and Russian “collusion” investigations until FBI special counsel Robert Mueller removed him from the latter because of his anti-Trump texts. Did his bias play a role in how he did his job? The inspector general found no such evidence “directly connecting” these biases with the agency’s “specific investigative decisions.” How can this be? Here’s what Borelli thinks:

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