This Christian Graphic Artist Has Asked the Supreme Court to Protect Her Artistic and Religious Freedom Under Colorado’s ‘Anti-Discrimination’ Law

Christian graphic artist Lorie Smith on Thursday submitted her opening brief to the U.S. Supreme Court, which agreed to hear her challenge to a Colorado law that would force her to provide custom services for homosexual “weddings.”

The Colorado Civil Rights Commission intreprets a state anti-discrimination law as requiring business owners to use their artistic talents to provide services that conflict with their religious beliefs and their conscience. Under the law, business owners can’t explain the reason they decline services if the reason is religious.

Smith filed a pre-enforcement challenge lawsuit against the state in 2016. She believes what the Bible teaches about marriage and homosexuality — marriage is the union between one man and one woman, and homosexuality is a sin.

Although Smith lost in lower and appeals courts, the Supreme Court agreed to hear her case. From Alliance Defending Freedom, Smith’s legal counsel:

Even though Colorado admitted that Smith works with people from all walks of life, including those who identify as LGBT, Colorado wants to force her to speak messages about marriage that go against her core convictions.

“Free speech is for everyone. The government can’t force Americans to say something they don’t believe,” said ADF General Counsel Kristen Waggoner. “The First Amendment protects the right of every American to express ideas without fear of government punishment even if the government disagrees with those ideas. Yet Colorado continues to violate Smith’s constitutional rights by insisting she speak messages about marriage inconsistent with her beliefs.

Waggoner said she hopes the high court will uphold free speech for all Americans.

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