Amir Tsarfati: My Country Israel is Hurting

Shalom to you this Thursday –

What can I say? Some weeks are just difficult. This last week has been no exception. My country is hurting. We’re in a very precarious circumstance given what’s happening internally, in Gaza, and in the north with Hezbollah. It’s been confirmed that our good friend, Yitzhak Cohen, as well as his fiancée, Geneva Lopez, were both murdered in the Philippines for unknown reasons. It’s during dark times like this that I’m forced to remind myself and find refuge in the fact that Jesus will one day have the final say:

John 16:33
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

The reality is that we were never promised that we’d always understand every circumstance. We were never assured that there would not be seasons of chaos and doubt. As the late J. Vernon McGee once said, “You can’t live on yesterday’s spirituality.” You and I need to seek God’s face every day when we rise and every night when we lie down. It’s a beautiful thing to know He’s always ready to be our safe place:

Nahum 1:7
The Lord is good,
A stronghold in the day of trouble;
And He knows those who trust in Him.

Allow me to bring you up to speed regarding some key ministry updates before filling you in on the happenings in my region of the world.

The Ministry

Monday included our very first live CONNECT Q&A with my dear friend, Pastor Barry Stagner! Honestly, this is one of my favorite programs that we do. It’s informative. It’s interesting. And in some ways, it’s satisfyingly unpredictable. Make sure to tune in next Monday at 9:00 AM PDT for our second installment! You can submit your questions in the comments section on YouTube or Facebook. On Tuesday, I delivered another MidEast Update. However, this time, it was live from CONNECT! I addressed several key topics that directly affect Israel and my region of the world. Make sure to give it a listen in order to stay up to date.

Yesterday, I filmed a very important podcast here at CONNECT with my good friends from the UK, Jeff Cuozzo & Tommy Fretwell. We discussed the question – Is there a genocide in Gaza? This will be released across our platforms next Wednesday, July 17, at 9:00 AM PDT. You won’t want to miss this fact-based, truth-exposing conversation.

Tune in tomorrow, Friday, at 12:00 PM PDT on Facebook & YouTube for my teaching, “God’s Appointed Time”! God has decreed that certain events must take place but that they will not happen until their appointed time. Not only has God revealed to us through His Word major events that are yet to happen, but He has also revealed to us things that will surround these events. Is something delaying God, or is everything right on schedule? How should the Christian be living knowing that God’s appointed time is approaching? Follow Amir’s message as he points to God’s Word for the answers to these questions.

Once again, I am beyond grateful for your encouraging notes, fervent prayers, and faithful financial blessings that enable us to do what we do on a daily basis. The way God has provided through your generosity and selflessness is simply humbling.

As I give you a condensed overview of the key events in my region of the world over the last week, I just want to remind you to subscribe to my Telegram channel if you haven’t already. Telegram is where I post real-time news updates concerning Bible prophecy and current events, and it’s the only platform that enables me to be transparent and get the truth out!

The Middle East

The Status in Gaza
Following the return of the head of Israel’s Mossad agency from Qatar last week, it appeared a ceasefire was on the table. However, only the opposite has appeared to be the case up to this point in the week. Earlier this week, approximately 150 terrorists were killed in an IDF operation in Gaza City. In the same operation, our troops destroyed nearly four miles of the underground tunnel system. While this is a great achievement, IDF lives are still being lost in the Gaza Strip.

As I’ve said before and I’ll say again now, there’s no hunger in Gaza. Is Hamas monopolizing as much aid as possible and killing anyone who tries to gain access? Yes. But there’s no region-wide famine. These psychopaths beat a group of people in public, breaking multiple limbs, and then killed them in broad daylight after these people tried to take food. My question – Where is the international outrage? No Jews, no news! And yes, almost each and every week we find new evidence revealing UNRWA’s participation in the October 7 massacre. But we have other serious internal issues here in Israel. For example, guess what the head of Israel’s top human intelligence gathering unit was busy with in the months prior to October 7? Writing his book on the danger of climate change. The climate change cult is not only stupid but dangerous! In my opinion, ALL of Israel’s top generals must go home now!

Increased Tension in the North
As a result of the daily rocket launches across our northern border from Hezbollah, fires have been a common occurrence throughout the Galilee region. I’ve commonly said that, “Northern Israel is on fire.” Well, it’s no understatement. But fires aren’t our only issue. These terrorists are already hitting civilian areas in Northern Israel. Just days ago, a home was directly hit in the town of Kiryat Shmona.

Of course, Israel continues to carry out targeted attacks in Lebanon in an attempt to take out key Hezbollah personnel and military sites. In fact, we killed a senior engineer behind the terror proxy’s air defense system. That said, we’re still dealing with multiple barrages of rockets on a weekly basis. And despite Hezbollah’s claims that war with Israel is not imminent, that couldn’t be further from the truth and their readiness actions show that they know this to be true. Moreover, escalations continue to take place. Just days ago, the personal guard of Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah was killed in addition to a senior commander for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). This took place when the IDF destroyed the vehicle they were driving in from Syria to Beirut, Lebanon.

However, Israel is mourning the loss of two civilians who were killed this week when a Hezbollah rocket hit their vehicle on the Golan Heights. The married couple left three children behind.

Action in the West Bank
With all that’s happening, it’s easy to forget that the IDF and other Israeli special forces are operating in the West Bank on a daily basis. Our troops are killing terrorists there on the regular as well. The IDF killed seven terrorists in one day in Jenin in Northern Samaria.

Iranian Activity
Don’t be fooled. While the world has been distracted with Israel and Gaza, Iran is still making moves. When the Islamic Republic isn’t preoccupied funding anti-American and anti-Israel protests with the US, it’s more than busy enhancing its activity at its nuclear sites throughout the country.

France – Coming to a Country Near You
Following the dangerous and disappointing French election over the last week wherein the conservative party lost and the significant expansion of Muslim influence increased, thousands of French Jewish families have opened aliyah files. Furthermore, requests from French Jews to relocate to Israel have soared by 430% since October 2023 amid skyrocketing antisemitism and post-election uncertainty. Antisemites make life impossible for Jews around the world. They are exactly why we need a Jewish state. But on a broader level, what is taking place in France with the rise of the progressive movement and Islamic influence is not an isolated issue. And just like ruling, globalist elites came after the candidate the people wanted in Israel and the US, the same is now happening in France.

Standing with Israel
Who you are identifying and standing with is far more important than who the mob is standing for! God has judged Israel for its sins. But God has, is, and will always judge the enemies of Israel for their hatred of His people! Don’t ever let the spiritual state of the people of Israel serve as an excuse to hate them and come against them!

Zechariah 2:8
“For this is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘After the Glorious One has sent me against the nations that have plundered you—for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye.’”

The Lord allowed the Babylonian conquest and the captivity of His people. But guess what? He then judged the Babylonians for what they did:

Jeremiah 51:24
“‘And I will repay Babylon
And all the inhabitants of Chaldea
For all the evil they have done
In Zion in your sight,’ says the Lord.”

Christians are (or at least should be) far above any emotional or intellectual-based arguments regarding the conflict in the Middle East. It is essential that you are holding a biblical belief empowered by the Holy Spirit who is in you. Without Him, you’ll NEVER be able to discern correctly and hold your ground. Standing with Israel’s right to exist, right to own its land, and right to defend itself is biblical! It was true before October 7, and is most definitely so after! Stand firm in these last days!

Awaiting His Return,

Amir Tsafati

AmirTsarfatiAmir, a Jewish Christian, is the founder and president of Behold Israel, a news site to correct the scarcity in trustworthy reportage on issues and events impacting Israel, and to resolve the uncertainty about who or what to believe.

Photo credit: Soman, CC BY-SA 2.5, Link

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