What Will Happen If Business Owners in NYC Refuse to Serve Unvaccinated Black Residents?

Beginning September 13, residents in New York City must present proof of the COVID-19 vaccination to enter establishments like bars, gyms, museums, and restaurants. If these places allow unvaccinated individuals inside, they face a fine of $1,000 for the first offense and and more for the second. Office buildings and senior citizens centers are among the exempt.

Victory News host Greg Stephens said that blacks make up the majority of the unvaccinated in New York City. Will business owners be accused of racism if they’re kept out?

Star Parker, founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, appeared on Victory News to discuss this issue.

“The narrative of this Biden administration is questionable,” Star said. “And that’s the reason that people are not taking it very seriously.” Star said the messaging has been that COVID-19 is a red and blue disease, that it’s “Trump’s fault that COVID has been spreading, because his followers won’t get vaccinated. And yet, we all know it’s African Americans who are hesitant.” People in poor, rural communities are also hesitant, she added.

Star said it will be interesting to see what will happen when the government starts forcing people who are disproportionately black to get shots.

Star’s segment starts at 16:57.

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  1. You know the dems is only folks I know, that can turn the vaccine into mark of the beast .You can’t buy you cant go their can’t (travel). Some things I understand .keep 6ft apart don’t go out if not feeling well. It will come to this you can’t buy and sale unless you have the mark (aka card) .It will come to this.We been told so many lies on this 1 it would care the spread make you immune, 2 cloth mask, 3 may need booster once a year, In places like Israel and Great Britain were 90 percent of the population is vaccinated look up what’s going on .Especially with folks under 40 year’s of age. It’s okay to be wrong but not to lie about it .They just can’t help themselves I guess got to lie and coverup the truth.

    • This will not just affect Black people. It will affect everyone. I’m 65 years old and have not been vaccinated for anything since I was 7 due to a very serious adverse and horrible adverse reaction to routine vaccinations for school which resulted in lifelong autoimmunity and chronic Eczema. I don’t know what the medical term for what happened to me is but when I was ten my parents sat me down and told me what my pediatrician said–that I was not to be vaccinated for anything ever again. My parents told me to never let anyone give me any shots in school and I got medical waivers all through elementary school and high school. If you went through what I went through then you would never take any vaccine. I’ve never even had a flu shot. I’ve had the flu 3 times in my entire life starting with the Hong Kong flu in 1969. Each time after that was never as bad. I rarely get sick and if I do, I don’t stay sick for long.

      Three years after I developed chronic Eczema, I developed Vitiligo, another autoimmune condition. However, it never progressed past the back of my hands. I developed Alopecia Areata, another autoimmune condition, as a young adult which progressed over the years to Alopecia Universalis (I have no hair anywhere).

      It was also discovered in the 80’s that I had some kind of a genetic anomaly that caused me to have double the amount of T-Cells in my body than the average adult. I am in the process of seeking a geneticist who can counsel me regarding this issue as it does not meet the CDC criteria for a medical exemption. You have to have suffered anaphylaxis for that. However, anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction. I didn’t suffer an allergic reaction to any ingredient in the vaccine. What happened to me was an immune system overreaction to the very way vaccines work. Basically, my immune system was turned on and it could not not turn itself off. That is what my pediatrician told my parents all those years ago.

      I’m no doctor but when I think about it, this sounds very similar to the “cytokine storm” that kills COVID patients–an overreaction and out-of-control immune response to the COVID-19 virus that causes the immune system to run amok and attack every organ in the body. Obviously, what happened to me was not fatal. However, all those years ago, I was told that if anything like that happens again, it could kill me. I never felt so helpless in my life.

      Ironically, the CDC’s own website says something that is unbelievable regarding people with autoimmune conditions!

      People with autoimmune conditions may receive a COVID-19 vaccine. However, (and get this) they should be aware that no data are current available on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for people with autoimmune conditions.


      If there’s no data currently available on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for people with autoimmune conditions how can they, in the same breath, tell people with autoimmune conditions that they may receive a COVID-19 vaccine? This doesn’t make any sense.

      It takes a lot to scare me but unless I can get a waiver, life as I know might as well be over.

  2. This will not just affect Black people. It will affect everyone. I’m 65 years old and have not been vaccinated for anything since I was 7 due to a very serious adverse and horrible adverse reaction to routine vaccinations for school which resulted in lifelong autoimmunity and chronic Eczema. I don’t know what the medical term for what happened to me is but when I was ten my parents sat me down and told me what my pediatrician said–that I was not to be vaccinated for anything ever again. My parents told me to never let anyone give me any shots in school and I got medical waivers all through elementary school and high school. If you went through what I went through then you would never take any vaccine. I’ve never even had a flu shot. I’ve had the flu 3 times in my entire life starting with the Hong Kong flu in 1969. Each time after that was never as bad. I rarely get sick and if I do, I don’t stay sick for long.

    Three years after I developed chronic Eczema, I developed Vitiligo, another autoimmune condition. However, it never progressed past the back of my hands. I developed Alopecia Areata, another autoimmune condition, as a young adult which progressed over the years to Alopecia Universalis (I have no hair anywhere).

    It was also discovered in the 80’s that I had some kind of a genetic anomaly that caused me to have double the amount of T-Cells in my body than the average adult. I am in the process of seeking a geneticist who can counsel me regarding this issue as it does not meet the CDC criteria for a medical exemption. You have to have suffered anaphylaxis for that. However, anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction. I didn’t suffer an allergic reaction to any ingredient in the vaccine. What happened to me was an immune system overreaction to the very way vaccines work. Basically, my immune system was turned on and it could not not turn itself off. That is what my pediatrician told my parents all those years ago.

    I’m no doctor but when I think about it, this sounds very similar to the “cytokine storm” that kills COVID patients–an overreaction and out-of-control immune response to the COVID-19 virus that causes the immune system to run amok and attack every organ in the body. Obviously, what happened to me was not fatal. However, all those years ago, I was told that if anything like that happens again, it could kill me. If there are any doctors/geneticists out there, please advise because I’m scared. I never felt so scared and helpless in my life.

    Ironically, the CDC’s own website says something that is unbelievable regarding people with autoimmune conditions!

    “People with autoimmune conditions may receive a COVID-19 vaccine. However, (and get this) they should be aware that no data are current available on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for people with autoimmune conditions!!!!


    If there’s no data currently available on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for people with autoimmune conditions how can they, in the same breath, tell people with autoimmune conditions that they may receive a COVID-19 vaccine? This doesn’t make any sense.

    It takes a lot to scare me but I’m scared. If I can’t risk getting the shot and I can’t get a medical exemption. If COVID vaccines become mandatory to do everything and go everywhere, then life as I know it might as well be over.

  3. (2)

    I don’t think I can post links here but if you go to the CDC website and search for this articlc “Covid-19 Vaccines for people with underlying Medical conditions and go to page two you will see this ridiculous statement! The CDC criteria for who qualifies for a medical exemption only addresses allergic reactions to something in the vaccine. THEY DO NOT ADDRESS ADVERSE REACTIONS THAT MAY BE CAUSED BY THE IMMUNUE SYSTEM’S OVER-REACTION TO THE VACCINE’S ARTIFICAL STIMULATION OF IT! THERE’ IS A DIFFERENCE!!

    Any geneticists/immunologists out there? Please advise!

  4. (1)

    This will not just affect Black people. It will affect everyone. I’m 65 years old and have not been vaccinated for anything since I was 7 due to a very serious adverse and horrible adverse reaction to routine vaccinations for school which resulted in lifelong autoimmunity and chronic Eczema. I don’t know what the medical term for what happened to me is but when I was ten my parents sat me down and told me what my pediatrician said–that I was not to be vaccinated for anything ever again. My parents told me to never let anyone give me any shots in school and I got medical waivers all through elementary school and high school. If you went through what I went through then you would never take any vaccine. I’ve never even had a flu shot. I’ve had the flu 3 times in my entire life starting with the Hong Kong flu in 1969. Each time after that was never as bad. I rarely get sick and if I do, I don’t stay sick for long.

    Three years after I developed chronic Eczema, I developed Vitiligo, another autoimmune condition. However, it never progressed past the back of my hands. I developed Alopecia Areata, another autoimmune condition, as a young adult which progressed over the years to Alopecia Universalis (I have no hair anywhere).

    It was also discovered in the 80’s that I had some kind of a genetic anomaly that caused me to have double the amount of T-Cells in my body than the average adult. I am in the process of seeking a geneticist who can counsel me regarding this issue as it does not meet the CDC criteria for a medical exemption. You have to have suffered anaphylaxis for that. However, anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction. I didn’t suffer an allergic reaction to any ingredient in the vaccine. What happened to me was an immune system overreaction to the very way vaccines work. Basically, my immune system was turned on and it could not not turn itself off. That is what my pediatrician told my parents all those years ago.

    I’m no doctor but when I think about it, this sounds very similar to the “cytokine storm” that kills COVID patients–an overreaction and out-of-control immune response to the COVID-19 virus that causes the immune system to run amok and attack every organ in the body. Obviously, what happened to me was not fatal. However, all those years ago, I was told that if anything like that happens again, it could kill me. If there are any doctors/geneticists out there, please advise because I’m scared. I never felt so scared and helpless in my life.

    Ironically, the CDC’s own website says something that is unbelievable regarding people with autoimmune conditions!

    “People with autoimmune conditions may receive a COVID-19 vaccine. However, (and get this) they should be aware that no data are current available on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for people with autoimmune conditions!!!!


    If there’s no data currently available on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines for people with autoimmune conditions how can they, in the same breath, tell people with autoimmune conditions that they may receive a COVID-19 vaccine? This doesn’t make any sense.

    It takes a lot to scare me but I’m scared. If I can’t risk getting the shot and I can’t get a medical exemption. If COVID vaccines become mandatory to do everything and go everywhere, then life as I know it might as well be over.

  5. (2)

    I can’t post links here but if you go to the CDC website and search for this article:

    COVID-19 Vaccines for people with underlying Medical conditons and look for the header, Autoimmune conditons you’ll see this statement.