Amir Tsarfati: Releasing a Great Number of Criminals for a Handful of Hostages

Shalom from cold and rainy Nashville! The last few days have been chilly, but nice. I think, though, that they were just saving all the precipitation up for today. We had a great time last night with 500 of our closest friends at One Church Home in Fairview, while many more watched online. Huge thanks go out to Pastor Steve Berger and ASI Ministries, Pastor Ian Gilchrist, and the whole church team for creating such a perfect environment for our discussion. It was a memorable evening as Steve and I talked together about what’s taking place in Israel today.

Soon, I will be bound for southern California, where it will be a bit warmer and quite a lot dryer. Once back in SoCal, I’ll be joining Pastor Jack Hibbs, Pastor Barry Stagner, and Pastor Mike Golay for the 2025 Proximity Bible Prophecy Conference. For those of you unable to make this sold-out conference, you can still watch it. Saturday morning, type Barry Stagner’s name into YouTube and there should be a link that will allow you access. If that timeframe doesn’t work for you, there is still one more opportunity for us to connect. I will be teaching at both services at Calvary Chapel East Anaheim on Sunday morning. I’d love to see you there at either 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM.

My next week will be spent holed up in a hotel room with my fiction writing partner, Steve Yohn. For those of you who have read The Sick Man’s Rage, you already know what it is we’ll be talking about. Please pray for us, as we have some very deep subjects that we need to explore and plot out. Also, if you’ve been waiting for the audiobook of The Sick Man’s Rage, it’s finally been released! You can get it at Audible, Amazon, or Apple Books today!

The MidEast and the World

How did we get to this point where we are releasing such a great number of criminals for just a handful of hostages? Two words – bad policy! Every government and law enforcement agency in the world knows that you do not bargain for hostages. If you do and the bad guys actually hold up to their end of the deal, then you get a momentary dose of joy. But while you’re celebrating, the terrorists are plotting the next time when they’ll up the ante for a release.

It used to be that Israel was known for not negotiating with terrorists, but that began to change a number of decades ago. In 1968, an El Al plane in Algeria with 48 passengers on board was released in return for 24 terrorists who had no blood on their hands. Forty-one years later, the same price – 24 terrorists – was doled out simply to get video footage of a single kidnapped Israeli soldier. Talk about a horrific inflation!

Giving in once means you’ll be forced to give in again and again at ever-increasing prices. The depths to which we sank was evidenced when Israel was forced in 2011 to turn over 1,027 Palestinian prisoners for the return of a single IDF soldier, Gil Shalit. Don’t get me wrong, I wept when I saw the helicopter flying overhead returning Shalit to our land. I am so grateful to have him and all hostages home. But our short-term gain has caused us long-term pain. In fact, Yahya Sinwar, the late, bloodthirsty leader of Hamas in Gaza, was among whose exchanged for Shalit’s life. For all the strength of our army, the terrorists know our weak spot. They take our people, and we’ll eventually cave.

The most frustrating part about this is that I can see no way out of the mess we’ve gotten ourselves into. At least not with the way our government is now structured. We have a Supreme Court that puts hostages over safety. Worse, they put terrorists over Israel’s safety. Israel’s Supreme Court is filled with liberal left radicals who are self-perpetuating because they have the power to appoint one another. As long as we keep this insane judicial system the way it is, Israel will always be in danger. October 7 will just be the appetizer to what is likely ahead.

I talked more in-depth about this and other items you’ll find in this newsletter on my MidEast Update from Tuesday. I would encourage you to check it out. As always, my Telegram channel is where you will find the most up-to-date news that’s available.

We’re Living in Trump’s World
It has been an amazing first week for the newly re-inaugurated U.S. president. Hundreds of bills have been signed, a cabinet unlike any that has come before is passing through the senate, and international leaders are testing the diplomatic waters only to discover that when this president talks you had better listen.

These days have been good in many ways for Israel. The military equipment held back by the previous administration has been released to the IDF. Trump has also been the first world leader to admit that Gazans can’t live in Gaza anymore. Their cities are demolition sites thanks to the terrorists who hid in and under every building they could find. Gaza is 70 percent destroyed. Rafah is 80 percent gone. The president reached out to Jordan, Egypt, and Albania to take in as many Gazan refugees as possible, but these countries were quick to say, “Not a chance!” This is in spite of the fact that there are already more Palestinians in Jordan than there are Jordanians.

And why would these nations want to take a chance on the most murderous people on the face of the earth? They know who the vast majority of the Palestinians are. Nearly every Palestinian is reared to hate the Jews. Liri Albag, a hostage who was just freed on Saturday, said, “I sat with children aged four and eight who were saying, ‘Spit on the Jew.’ There are two million terrorists in Gaza, don’t be mistaken. They’re all terrorists there.”

Anyone can chant their slogans or make speeches about innocent civilians. But they’re basing their beliefs on a fiction of their own creation. They’ve never been there. They’ve never seen the children’s books about murdering Jews or witnessed Hamas soldiers training young boys in how to hold guns. They’ve never heard parents teaching their own children about how martyring themselves while killing Jews should be the ultimate goal of their lives. Israel’s neighboring nations know this about the Palestinians, which is why they were so quick to say no to the refugees. It’s likely their locked doors will be much more difficult for Trump to open that were those of Colombia.

Ceasefire in Gaza
As the IDF dilutes its forces in Gaza, Hamas is coming back out of their holes. The white pickups are back all over Gaza, and uniformed men are once again being celebrated by young and old on the streets. It will be interesting to see whether that enthusiasm for Hamas will continue once the refugees returning to the north see what is left of their cities. Of course, fingers of blame will be pointed at Israel. But there will be many who put two and two together to recognize that it was the actions of their own local terrorist army that led to their homes being flattened like a piece of naan.

I know I’ve talked about hostages in the previous two sections, but they are the subject of the day. Three more captives were released today. They are Arbel Yehud (29), Agam Berger (19), and Gadi Moses (80), along with five Thai citizens. It was previously reported that Gadi Moses was among the deceased hostages, but it appears that information was false. It is this kind of confused information that keeps me from releasing any names of murdered captives. In exchange for the return of these innocents, Israel was set to release 110 Palestinian prisoners, including 32 who were serving life sentences. However, Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered the buses carrying the Palestinians to turn around and go back to the prison. The reason? When our hostages were returned to us, they were forced to go through crowds in which they were almost lynched. Thousands of screaming people surrounded them, pushing and shoving. Said the Prime Minister, “I take the horrifying scenes from our hostages’ release with the utmost severity – another testament to Hamas’s barbaric cruelty. I demand mediators ensure this never happens again and guarantee our hostages’ safety. Anyone who dares harm them will pay with their own blood.” Finally, after a three-hour delay during which agreements had been reached, the Palestinians were released.

Three more hostages will be released on Saturday, then more as the weeks progress. However, after phase one of the ceasefire, Hamas will still be holding 64 of our people – although less than 30 of those are believed to still be alive. Phase two of the deal essentially says, “Hey Israel, you can get the rest of your kidnapped hostages back if you’ll just leave.” I honestly can’t say what will happen when that time comes. I know how much we want our people back. However, we can’t just retreat and let all go back to how it was before. Hamas must not be left in power. Right now, we are witnessing the first time in history that military costs are being paid for hostages. Israel is giving up ground in return for its battered and bruised citizens. This truly is a messed-up world.

Ceasefire in Lebanon
Sunday was the deadline for all IDF troops to be out of Lebanon, according to the western brokered ceasefire deal. However, Israel says that Lebanon is not holding up its end of the bargain, and the Lebanese are saying that the Israelis are dragging their feet on the withdrawal. When the deadline came, a mass march pushed toward the Israeli army after being warned away. The IDF opened fire and 22 people were killed. Now, the ceasefire deadline has been extended to February 18. Peace in the region will only come when the Lebanese in the south choose safety and normalcy over Hezbollah.

Syria Liberation Day
If you have your calendars handy, mark down December 8 as a special day. That is the holiday that newly installed (as of yesterday) president of Syria, Ahmed al-Sharaa, has created to celebrate the fall of the Assad regime. Feel free to commemorate accordingly.

With al-Sharaa in office, other Syrian revolutionary factions are dissolving and merging within the Ministry of Defense to form a new Syrian military. Thankfully for Israel, that military is not directed beyond its southern border. The last thing the Syrians want to do right now is pick a fight with Israel. With Iran failing them and the U.S. looking over their shoulders, al-Sharaa’s government is going to focus on pressing internal needs, like quelling resistance from the Druze in the south and the Kurds in the north.

Israel, meanwhile, is going to take advantage of Syria’s preoccupation. The IDF is determined to remain on the summit of Mount Hermon and down in the security zone for an unlimited amount of time, ensuring safety from that part of the border.

The Ministry

Books, DVDs, Bible stuffers, bookmarks, shirts, hats, bumperstickers – our Behold Israel shop has it all. Take a moment to peruse our pages and see if anything strikes your fancy. You can find our online store here.

It was a busy week online. As I mentioned above, I posted a very important MidEast Update online that is very worth watching as it delves much more deeply into the whole situation surrounding the hostages. On Monday, Pastor Barry Stagner and I answered your Bible and current events questions in our latest “CONNECT: Q & A”. Then, yesterday, I was joined by Dr. Rick Yohn for another episode of “Explore the Bible”, during which we focused on learning the flow of the Old Testament.

Monday was International Holocaust Remembrance Day. While the holocaust has always been very real to all Israelis, most from my generation and younger didn’t have a clear understanding of what it was like to be so vilely attacked. Since October 7, we now do. So, this special day of remembering is even more somber and more relatable than ever. October 7 was also a wake-up call to many in the world, and more specifically in the church, to the rampant antisemitism that exists throughout the globe. Let’s join together and pray as we once did regarding the Holocaust and now do concerning October 7, “Lord, bless your nation, Israel, and, please, never again.”

Malachi 3:6 (NKJV)
“For I am the LORD, I do not change;
Therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.”

Thank you for your prayers and your support of this ministry. In this time I am away from my family, I appreciate your encouragement more than ever. May God greatly bless you.

Awaiting His Return,

Amir Tsarfati

Amir Tsarfati, a Jewish Christian, is the founder and president of Behold Israel, a news site to correct the scarcity in trustworthy reportage on issues and events impacting Israel, and to resolve the uncertainty about who or what to believe.

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

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