The State of Black America the BOOK is Here

In a nation that is tearing itself apart over race, trying to speak honestly about the state of black America is a perilous task. Candor and thoughtfulness are often drowned by hysteria, expediency, and sentimentalism.

That’s why this week on CURE America with Star Parker, we’re joined by Dr. William B. Allen to discuss CURE’s recent publication, “The State of Black America.” We’re also rejoined by panel experts Jonathan Alexandre and Patrina Mosley to sort through the noise of the news in this week’s pressing headlines, and examine just how far we’ve witnessed a collapse in our culture.

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One comment

  1. Claudette Robertson

    I would like to know how I can purchase copies of “The State Of Black America” by William B. Allen . I have an independent bookstore in Bethany, Oklahoma. I am a conservative (politically) and I am trying to grow my conservative political inventory to serve our population here in Oklahoma. My questions are as follows:
    Do you give a discount to retailers for multiple copies?
    Will you pay for freight?
    Do you have a return policy?
    What kind of payment do you require?
    What shipper do you use?
    Thank you for your assistance.
    Claudette Robertson
    Deer Clan Books, 3905 N. College Ave., Bethany, OK.
    405-826-2424 (cell) 405-495-9005 (store)