Educational Choice: It’s Time! — Watch CURE America with Star Parker

Is it time for parents to get their children out of government-run schools that teach them values that are contrary to what is taught at home? This is the hot topic raging across the country that we discuss on this week’s episode of Cure America with Star Parker.

Ninety percent of the nation’s K-12 students attend public schools. Over the last year, as parents became more aware of what is being taught to their children, a new movement has been awakened. Parents are not only challenging what is being taught to their children, but they’re looking for policy solutions that would allow money to follow children to the schools parents want. Whether it’s Critical Race Theory, transgenderism, and sex education, or other value systems that contradict traditional values on race, marriage, family, and life, the union-controlled education system is being challenged.

In this episode, we learn from our special guest, Corey DeAngelis of the American Federation for Children, and our panelists Jonathan Alexandre of Liberty Counsel Action, Terry Jeffrey of, and Andrew Handel of the American Legislative Exchange Council, that there are alternatives to public schools. This year, four states have already passed Education Savings Accounts and many more are considering options for dollars to fund students, not systems.

Yes, it is past time for parents to take full responsibility for their children’s future and demand that they have the freedom and the money to select a school for their child that teaches their values and worldview — the school of their choice.

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