Amir Tsarfati: I Would Love to See Gazans on Their Knees, Repenting…

Shalom from northern Israel! Last week I flew home after a wonderful and productive time in southern California. But, I’ll tell you, as much as I love visiting my California friends, did I ever come home at the right time. Only a few days after I arrived, the eastern Mediterranean started going crazy. There were errant missiles, major bombings, and a couple unbelievable targeted killings. But I’ll tell you all about those in the stories below.

I’ve had people write to me with questions regarding my reaction to the deaths of many terrorists. I can understand why you ask, because I don’t have time to explain my underlying point of view with each Telegram post. So, let me just say that I am fully in line with what Paul wrote to Timothy when he said God “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4). In my mind, the best-case scenario would be for an evangelical revival to sweep through Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and Iran. I would love to see Gazans on their knees, repenting and giving their lives to the Lord. That is the ideal, and I know that God could accomplish that should He choose to.

However, I also know that without a saving knowledge of the Messiah, so many people do horrendous things. So, my prayer is that God stops them from carrying them out. If that costs them their lives, then so be it. Throughout Scripture we see judgment being brought on those who hurt innocents, be they Jews or Gentiles. Do I wish that Ismail Haniyeh had given his life to Jesus before he was violently blown into His presence? I do, although he would still have to pay a price on this earth for his evil deeds and treachery. But the fact was that his conscience had been seared decades ago, and he had no interest in the love and peace found in the Messiah.

You also must understand that I am a Jewish Israeli follower of Christ. There have been horrendous acts carried out against my people, and they still continue with the hostages in the tunnels, the terrorist attacks on the streets, and the constant barrage of rockets from the militias. I am angry and I am disgusted that people can do these things to innocent civilians. I only need to go back and read some of David’s psalms to know that this trait runs rich in the blood of the people of Judah. So, when that emotion sometimes comes to the surface, I’d ask that you forgive me and understand the deep source from which it originates. My nation is still small enough so that when one person is hurt, we all hurt.

Psalm 69:27-28
Add iniquity to their iniquity,
And let them not come into Your righteousness.
Let them be blotted out of the book of the living,
And not be written with the righteous.

The Middle East

What you are about to read below is a summary of some of the stories that I have covered this past crazy week. It would truly be impossible to deal with all of them in depth. To fully understand all that is going on, I would encourage you to do two things. First, subscribe to my Telegram channel. That’s where you’ll find updates on what is happening in Israel and around the world nearly 24/7. There are many fake channels out there, so make sure you only subscribe to the one that has over 550k followers.

Second, subscribe to the Behold Israel YouTube channel. Just this last week, not only did I post a full MidEast Update, but I also added two impromptu Breaking News Updates, one from CONNECT and one from my living room at home. Between those two sources, you can be sure you will be completely up to date with what is happening in the Middle East and beyond.

Middle East

The Children of Majdal Shams
While other incidents happened on Thursday and Friday, the real insanity of the week began when Hezbollah fired a poorly aimed rocket which landed on a group of Druze schoolchildren in Majdal Shams, along the Golan Heights in Israel. It was as bad as you can imagine. Twelve children were killed, and many others were wounded. At first, the terrorist group celebrated the murder of the children, which was the worst death toll since October 7. But once they realized that the children were Druze and not Jewish, they immediately took it back. “Look what we did!” was rapidly changed to “Actually, it wasn’t us! It must have been the Iron Dome misfiring.” But there is no way out for Hezbollah with this one. Pieces of the Iranian truck-fired Falaq-1 rocket were scattered all around the site of the massacre.

What will Israel do to retaliate? That was the question that ran through everyone’s mind. Sure, these were not Jewish children, but they were still Israelis and our hearts are broken for the families. A price had to be paid. Nations began pulling their officials out of Lebanon in anticipation of a massive strike. Panicked countries like Iran, Turkey, Syria, and, of course, Lebanon warned against strong action. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was still in the United States when the attack occurred, boarded his plane five hours ahead of its previously planned departure. Once back in Israel, he immediately met with the war council and the world held its breath.

The Killing of Fuad Shukr
While I would still not rule out a major attack in the north, it appears that Netanyahu and his war cabinet have held back on quantity in favor of quality. On Tuesday, Israeli fighter jets raced towards Beirut, where they fired missiles that killed Fuad Shukr, the most senior military commander of Hezbollah. Also known as Sayyid Mohsen, he was considered the Qassem Soleimani of the Hezbollah terrorist group. Not only was he responsible for the rocket that killed the 12 children in Majdal Shams, but he also directed Hezbollah’s attacks against Israel post-October 7. Shukr was an arms agent, responsible for bringing in the terrorist groups most advanced weapons. The U.S. State Department also took close notice, because four decades ago Shukr was a key operative in the planning and launching of the 1983 attack that killed 241 marines at their barracks in Beirut.

The Killing of Ismail Haniyeh
For many, that may have been enough. But these were 12 innocent children cut down while playing. Only six days after the Iranian outgoing minister of Intelligence said, “Dismantling the Mossad’s infiltration network in Iran is the greatest achievement during my tenure,” an Israeli-made Spike anti-tank guided missile was fired from a Tehran rooftop. On the receiving end was none other than Ismail Haniyeh, the chairman of Hamas’s Political Bureau. It seems the wealthy terrorist left his cushy hideaway in the safety of Qatar to attend the inauguration of Iran’s new president. Big mistake! That is when the Mossad took him out – allegedly. Israel has not claimed responsibility for Haniyeh’s death. There are those times when despite the facts that it looks like Mossad and acts like Mossad and quacks like Mossad, it’s just a rogue Iranian element that hates Hamas and hates the Islamic regime. Whoever it was who pulled the trigger on that anti-tank missiled, I cannot emphasize strongly enough how important was the removal of this man from the chessboard. Already there are demonstrations in the West Bank, and the threats have begun from President Erdoğan in Turkey and Ayatollah Khamenei in Iran, a country that now has egg on its face due to the incident. It will be interesting to see if anyone makes good their threat.

In a speech from the IDF Kirya headquarters in Tel Aviv last night, PM Netanyahu reminded the nation of the importance of the battle we are in. It is a fight for our very existence against Iran’s axis of evil: Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. He recalled the targeted killing three weeks ago of Hamas chief of staff, Muhammad Daf. He brought up the massive bombing of the Houthis two weeks ago following their drone attack on Tel Aviv. Then, after the despicable murders of our children in Majdal Shams, he told how we took revenge on Fuad Shukr, a notorious terrorist wanted for crimes committed against Israel and the United States. Yes, it is taking time, he said, but that is something about which he warned from the beginning. But if this fight for peace in our land is to be done right and done permanently, we must be patient and tenacious. He also warned anyone with thoughts of taking revenge, saying, “We will settle our score with anyone who harms us. Everyone who takes aim at our children, everyone who murders our citizens, everyone who harms our country – their blood is on their own head.”

President Erdoğan’s Threats
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan would do well to heed Netanyahu’s warning. His threat against Israel following Haniyeh’s elimination was his second of the week. The first was spewed Sunday, when he said, “We must be strong so Israel won’t be able to do these things to the Palestinians. Just as we invaded Karabakh and Libya, we will do the same to Israel.” These bombastic words don’t surprise me at all. With what I know about the Ezekiel 38 war, they are expected. In fact, along with the gruesome attacks and deeply lingering aftermath of the October 7 massacre, Erdoğan’s unhinged hatred of Israel makes up the plot of Steve Yohn’s and my next Nir Tavor novel, The Sick Man’s Rage. You can preorder it now before its December 3 release.

Killing of Girls in England
Three little girls who were enjoying a Taylor-Swift-themed dance workshop Monday were cut down by the blade of a 17-year-old. Five other children remain critical, as do two adults who tried to protect the victims. Media have been quiet about the identity of the perpetrator, but protests did break out Tuesday night with much of the anger being directed at a local mosque.

Election in Venezuela
The thing about tyrants, especially failed tyrants, is that they never want to go away. Case in point is Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela. By all accounts, except those of the Maduro-ites, challenger Edmundo Gonzalez won an overwhelming victory with nearly three-quarters of the vote. But Maduro wasn’t having it. He began to send out his thugs to steal ballot boxes and beat down protesters. But this time it may not be enough. Powerful street gangs, as well as members of the armed forces, who were always Maduro’s heavy fist, were seen switching sides. A growing coalition of Central and South American countries say that they will not recognize a Maduro government.

It is very important for Americans to keep their eyes on Venezuela. Many of the same tactics that skewed the 2020 election in the U.S. are being used to the south. What was missing back then were the armed soldiers boldly roaming the streets. But if November’s election does not go the way of the Left, it is very possible that this may change. Remember, tyrants, especially failed tyrants, never want to go away. We are already seeing the tools of the Left as they reveal themselves in the blatant censoring of Google searches and social media surrounding the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

The Olympics
Antisemitic athletes, transgender competitors, blasphemous opening ceremonies, pagan rituals, polluted water in the Seine, terrible food and uncomfortable accommodations for the athletes all based on a green agenda. I bet you all can’t wait until the radical, green lefties take over your country.


PLEASE NOTE – Our Weekly Prayer Meetings have been moved from Monday to Friday. Join us at 10:00 AM PDT live on Zoom for this special hour of intercession each week. You’ll be blessed as you spend time praying with fellow believers from all over the world!

This Monday, I’m very excited to premier the first edition of Explore the Bible at CONNECT. The purpose of Explore the Bible is just what the name implies. I’ll be joined each episode by Dr. Rick Yohn, my contributor on Revealing Revelation and Discovering Daniel, and together we’ll look at subjects like why we can trust the Bible, how did we get the Bible, and what is the Bible saying to me. Along the way, I think you’ll fall in love with my dear friend’s humility and humor as he brings more than eighty years of wisdom to his analysis of the Word of God. Join us this Monday at 10:00 AM PDT as we answer the very practical question, “What is the Bible?”

Explore the Bible will be followed up by another MidEast Update on Tuesday at 10:00 AM PDT. And allow me to humbly suggest that you do not want to miss this. There is simply too much going on in the world right now – especially in my neck of the woods.

Thank you to everyone who has prayed for and supported this ministry over our ten years of existence. It is because of you that we are able to accomplish the calling that God has given to us. May God bless you.

Awaiting His Return,

Amir Tsafati

AmirTsarfatiAmir, a Jewish Christian, is the founder and president of Behold Israel, a news site to correct the scarcity in trustworthy reportage on issues and events impacting Israel, and to resolve the uncertainty about who or what to believe.

Photo credit: Soman, CC BY-SA 2.5, Link

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