78% Favor Proof of Citizenship for Voting

Proving American citizenship in order to vote in American elections for Americans running for positions of power shouldn’t be controversial. Alas…

Although the right to vote is guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, it’s not absolute. States may set voter qualifications. They can set an age minimum and residency. They can require voters to present identification and even prove they’re American citizens. According to a recent poll from Rasmussen Reports, 78 percent of “likely U.S. voters” believe that voters should be required to prove they’re American citizens. An excerpt (emphasis added):

A federal judge last week upheld the right of states to require proof of citizenship before allowing someone to register to vote. Voters continue to overwhelmingly support such a requirement.

Twenty-nine percent (29%) believe laws that require proof of citizenship before allowing voter registration discriminate against such voters [as it should]. But more than twice as many (61%) say such laws do not discriminate, up three points from 58% who felt that way in March of last year. Ten percent (10%) are undecided.

By the way, any immigration reform that doesn’t make enforcement of immigration laws a top priority should be rejected. Given the unemployment rate among black Americans is twice the rate of whites (disproportionate impact), this group should be on the front lines demanding that their country enforce the law.

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