Cherry on Top: Gun Control Loses

We at BCN and CURE are Second Amendment supporters. Americans have an individual right, not just collective, to keep and bear arms. The government didn’t give us the right to defend ourselves. That is God-given. The founders codified armed self-defense in the U.S. Constitution.

Last night’s Republican sweep of Congress means there are more pro-gun lawmakers in office. Breitbart reports:

On the gubernatorial level, in Arizona, pro-Second Amendment candidate Doug Ducey (R) beat gun control candidate Fred DuVaul (D). And in Florida, pro-Second Amendment incumbent Rick Scott (R) beat gun control candidate Charlie Crist. These victories were enhanced by the fact that Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly endorsed DuVal and Giffords’ gun control PAC gave $100,000 to Crist’s campaign.

In Senate races, gun control Senator Mark Udall (D-CO) was defeated by NRA-endorsed Cory Gardner (R) and gun control Senator Kay Hagan (D-NC) was defeated by NRA-endorsed Thom Tillis (R). In Kansas, NRA-endorsed Senator Pat Roberts (R) won. In Georgia, NRA-endorsed Senatorial candidate David Perdue (R) won. In Arkansas, NRA-endorsed Tom Cotton (R) won. And in West Virginia, NRA-endorsed Shelley Moore Capito (R) won, marking the first time that state has sent a Republican Senator to Washington DC in over five decades.

In 2013, Star Parker and other black conservatives held a press conference at the National Press Club to speak out against gun control legislation. See the full conference below, and visit our Second Amendment page for more videos and article links. Never again.


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One comment

  1. And, all the chorus shouted AMEN! God’s grace and blessings on Ken Hutcherson, prayers for healing!!