WATCH: Dr. Tony Evans Joined This Group to Help Equip Pastors with the Principles of Faith, Freedom, and Personal Responsibility

I recently interviewed Pastor Tony Evans at the National Religious Broadcasters Conference in Nashville. Derek McCoy, CURE’s Executive Vice President, and I asked Pastor Evans to discuss the issues he encounters in distressed communities and why our solutions matter for freedom.

And I have a major announcement: in this interview you will hear how Pastor Evans just agreed to become the President of CURE’s Clergy Council! This is a very big deal and I wanted to make sure you hear what he has to say as we expand CURE’s work at this critical time — work that you and supporters like you financially support.

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One comment

  1. Brilliant analysis with Biblical solutions. Having a Biblical worldview is foundational to solving societal problems, family, economic, moral, governmental, etc. Every Christian, especially pastors, should have the opportunity to see this interview.