Unmasking the Poor People’s Campaign — Watch Cure America Episode 52

The new Poor People’s Campaign has announced a “season of nonviolent, moral direct action,” targeting the U.S. Senate with disruptive activities. Their stated goals are to end the filibuster and increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour among a long list of grievances. Unfortunately, the policy prescriptions of the new campaign, led by Rev. William Barber, would have the exact opposite effect on low-income families than they proclaim. Concern about poverty is something we all share. It is something, I have devoted my career to help solve. But the real factors driving poverty are ignored by the Poor People’s Campaign.

On this week’s episode of CURE America, we delve into this new campaign and dig deep into issues that will truly help the poor with two pastors from CURE’s Clergy Center: Rev. Caesar LeFlore, Executive Director of The Beloved Community in Chicago, and Pastor Ken Fontenot, Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in Wilson, N.C. We round out the discussion with our panel of experts: Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government, Sarah Parshall-Perry of the Heritage Foundation, and Jonathan Alexandre, Senior Counsel at Liberty Counsel Action.

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