A Gun-Toting Mother Confronted Beto O’Rourke About His Gun-Grabbing Remarks

Gun-rights advocate Colion Noir showed a clip of a woman who confronted Beto O’Rourke about what he said during a Democratic debate.

“Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47…”

Noir called these remarks “Hitleresque.”

Apparently most of the people at this townhall rally support O’Rourke and his gun-grabbing intentions. But the gun-owning mother said, “Hell no,” he wasn’t going to take her gun away.

Let’s give O’Rourke credit for chastising his rude supporters to allow the woman, armed with a Glock, to speak.

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  1. Loved it! Especially her reply to her ‘defenseless’ ‘tub ‘o’ guts’ agitator on her right: “It’s o.k. sir, I’ve got your back!”

  2. That tub of guts she was talking to probably needs a five-foot-zip, 100-pound woman to defend him.