All Lives Matter Conference

MarchForLifeBlackLivesMatterDr. Ben Carson, Gov. Mike Huckabee, and other pro-lifers will gather together on Friday, July 31, to talk about how to protect unborn babies. Sponsored by the Freedom Journal Institute, the conference is called the R.I.S.E. Initiative. An excerpt from the site:

Conservatives, regardless of ethnic or racial identity, live in agreement with the authors of the Declaration of Independence, who firmly believed from Biblical evidence, that God is the Creator of human life, and by His Divine Will has endowed all humans with the first and most essential right of all…the Right to Life! Therefore, we believe that life is sacred and precious, and that all innocent human life should be protected and respected at all stages, from conception until natural death.

Conservatives also believe that governments instituted among men have been made to secure that right to life for it’s people; and that they should never by law, edict, or acts of tyranny attempt to arrogate unto themselves the power to unjustly, and without cause, decide to whom that right to life can be denied.

Conservatives hold firm to Biblical values that establish not only the basic Right to Life, but also through faith, the promise of a life of quality. Jesus Christ said: “I have come so that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

The conference will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (CDT) at the Tinley Park Convention Center, 18451 Convention Center Dr, Tinley Park, Illinois. You may register here.

Photo credit: Online for Life’s Dean Nelson

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