AMC Theater Group Caves to Pressure and Cancels ‘Detransitioning’ Documentary Screening

In just a short time, “transitioning” has gone from the fringes to mainstream…media, not mainstream America.

Most people understand there is no such thing as “transgender” and changing one’s sex. Most people understand that the “transgender” movement generally is about men with sexual fantasies of being women making spectacles of themselves and offending those who oppose their actions — and grooming children into it.

It’s sick, and it’s evil.

And finally, most people understand that children and teenagers have developing brains that go through many changes. It’s up to the adults in their lives to protect them from their own dumb decisions. But the homosexual lobby wants parents out of the decision-making.

An upcoming documentary called “No Way Back: The Reality of Gender-Affirming Care” will show what happens when teenagers get to call the shots on whether to “transition.”

Screenings for the new documentary will begin on June 21, but one theater group won’t be showing the film. Fox News reported that AMC Theatres “abruptly canceled” a screening.

Laura Becker, one of the “detransitioning” women featured in the documentary, recently appeared on Fox News to talk about it.

Becker defended the film, saying it shows the importance of addressing mental health issues rather than jumping to transgender medical treatment. She began transitioning to male as a teenager by taking testosterone and removing her breasts. She detransitioned at 22 years old after being evaluated with PTSD.

A group called the Queer Trans Project, which hasn’t seen the documentary, pressured AMC to cancel.

Some teens are going through a mental health crisis, not a “transgender” crisis, and these young people “are being fast-tracked on a conveyor belt-like system to getting surgery and hormones which create permanent damages instead of addressing their actual mental health concerns.”

Becker said this about AMC’s cancellation:

“I think it’s incredibly dangerous to set this precedent of suppressing free speech, suppressing viewpoints that basically are just unpopular or difficult to deal with.”

Watch the clip below for more.

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One comment

  1. The Doctors that perform these Surgeries are Modern Day Dr. FRANKENSTEINS!
    They Are, Sick and Evil and Worse! They are getting Rich by Destroying young People’s lives.