Another City Tries to Grant Special Rights to This Group

Another city seeks to grant special rights to homosexuals, including men pretending to be women, above the rights of other residents.

The city of Houston, Texas, was embroiled in this issue last year. The city council passed the so-called Equal Rights Ordinance in 2014. After residents complained about a section that would have allowed men to use women’s restrooms, the council removed it.

But the restroom issue was still a possibility.

A group of pastors challenged the ordinance, and Mayor Annise Parker, a lesbian, demanded they turn over sermons and other material critical of homosexuality. After a backlash, she withdrew the order.

A judge ordered the city either to repeal the ordinance or place it on the November 2015 ballot. The city chose the ballot. On election day, voters who put a lesbian in office three times soundly rejected the Equal Rights Ordinance by 62.5 percent.

Now the city council in Jacksonville, Florida, has introduced a measure that would expand the existing Human Rights Ordinance to add sexual orientation and so-called gender identity. The council will also consider whether to place the measure on the ballot. A group of pastors thinks the people should decide, just like they did in Houston. An excerpt from News4Jax:

“The people need to be allowed to vote. That’s pure Americana,” said Pastor Jeff Burnsed of Coral Ridge Ministries.

Burnsed said the issue is too big to be left up to 19 City Council members.

“The public needs to vote. City Council’s already done that, and they were a different crew, but nonetheless, just like the people in Houston, they need to vote,” Burnsed said.

But the other side of the HRO debate is criticizing the ministers’ effort.

The mayor of Jacksonville said the city doesn’t need to expand the ordinance. Current law already protects people from discrimination.

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