Thanksgiving Special: For the Least of These — CURE America with Star Parker

Since the great war on poverty began in the 1960s, the poverty rate for blacks has not changed. Yet, the same politicians who claim they can break the cycle of poverty keep pushing the same failed policies.

That’s why in this episode of CURE America with Star Parker, I lead a panel of Christians who work in public policy who believe we should take a Biblical point-of-view to finally break the cycle of poverty. It’s the one method that I know, first-hand, actually works.

Join us by watching and sharing this important episode, Breaking the Cycle of Poverty, with your church members and all your friends on social media.

Guests include Dr. Anne Bradley with The Fund for American Studies, Jonathan Alexandre with Liberty Counsel Action, Joel Griffith with The Heritage Foundation, and Rev. Tim Latiff, who is the former director of the Clergy Center at the Center for Urban Renewal and Education.

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