Biden’s ‘Goodbye’ Speech Was a Disaster

“Biden’s goodbye speech was a disaster,” Star Parker said on Straight Arrow News.

His speech was as empty as progressivism itself. Nothing was there.

Star said that his speech had no purpose of clarity of individual uniqueness for a nine-year -old to desire to live in a free country. And if you can’t appeal to the youth of the country about hope for the future…

“Biden’s legacy is to promote abortion,” Star said. “Abortion is not a reproductive right. Abortion is a crime against humanity, and we should not be doing it.” But so-called progressives are trying to sell abortion as a good idea. What kind of hope is that, the snuffing out of life in the womb?

Biden’s legacy is opposing educational freedom. He and the rest of the progressives stand at the school doors, blocking students from low-income families from entering.

Thank God for President Donald Trump! He’s back in the White House, and we have an opportunity to spread educational freedom — and all kinds of freedom — across the country.

Goodbye, Mr. Biden!

Star had more to say. Watch below or at Straight Arrow News.

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  1. If Biden’s farewell address was a disaster, it was simply the logical end to the disaster of his admibnistcration.