Biden’s New Student Loan Forgiveness Plan — Just in Time for a New Election Cycle

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled last month that President Joe Biden had no authority under the HEROES Act — a bipartisan bill that became law in 2003 to deal with national emergencies — to forgive $400 billion in student loan debt.

The president’s new proposed plan under the Higher Education Act will cost closer to $500 billion over the next 10 years.

Biden’s plan will rewrite the entire system of colleges and universities.

Star Parker spoke about student loan debt on Straight Arrow News.

“So if student loans touch on all these areas of our future,” she said, “then what is the future of student loans? I hope it is one of personal responsibility where each individual is able to reach for a better life.”

More welders, fewer gender studies majors!

We must teach our children that achieving the American dream comes through hard work, education, and marriage, not off the backs of others, people who didn’t take out college loans to get ahead. These people will fund student loan “forgiveness” with their taxes.

Under Biden’s new plan, borrowers won’t have to start paying for 12 months. If only mortgage and car loan payment companies would say the same.

“What happened to the basic values and principles that built our great country?” Star said. “That’s what we need to ask ourselves as we go prepare to hear all of the rhetoric of this next election cycle, and then decide what kind of country do we want to be.”

Watch the full segment below or at Straight Arrow News.

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