This Black Abortionist’s Baby-Killing Career Is Coming to An End

Abortionist Harold O. Alexander kills unborn babies for a living in Maryland. Life News reported that a patient came to his clinic in 2014 to abort her 28-week unborn child. But the baby was already dead and should have been removed as a stillborn at a hospital.

Knowing the baby was dead, Alexander treated the removal as an abortion, giving the woman an unnecessary drug (to kill the baby) that put her life at risk.

The Maryland Board of Physicians ruled that the procedure couldn’t be classified as an abortion and decided to revoke Alexander’s medical license, which will take effect in November, 10 days after the order was issued on October 25, 2016. From Life News:

“It is great news that this man will no longer be allowed to practice medicine. We have long considered him a menace to the public, and now we finally have a Board order agreeing with us,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, which has asked to the Board numerous times to take stronger action against Alexander.

“When you are a hammer, everything is a nail,” said Newman. “Apparently Alexander’s only solution to every medical issue is abortion, because he gets paid for abortions. He doesn’t get paid for referring women to hospitals for legitimate medical treatment.”

Read more about Alexander’s activities at LifeSiteNews. The board temporarily suspended his license twice.

Life News reported that Alexander was on probation before the 2014 incident. His clinic failed a state inspection, and the medical board ordered him to stop doing surgical abortions and giving women certain drugs. But a pro-lifer suspected that Alexander was still killing unborn babies via surgery at night to conceal his activities. A staffer called, posing as a woman who wanted to kill her baby at 17 weeks.

Alexander answered the call and explained that at 17 weeks the abortion would cost $900. He further described how the [D&E] abortion procedure would be done.

D&E abortions are considered surgical procedures. However, Alexander falsely advertises them as “medication” abortions that are available to 26 weeks gestation on his web site.

“Alexander has taken a page from Gosnell’s playbook by conducting late-term surgical abortions illegally under the cover of darkness,” Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman said.

Kermit Gosnell, another black abortionist, is serving life in prison for murdering three babies born alive and killing a woman who sought an abortion.

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