Black Chicagoans Say Obama Ignores Their Plight

blackschicagofedupSome of Chicago’s black residents are not happy with their president.

Wracked by weekly violence, they’re angry that President Barack Obama seems to care more about illegal aliens–lawbreakers–than the city’s law-abiding citizens fed up with murder and mayhem. They rallied against the government on Friday. From the Washington Times.

Demonstrators blasted the Obama administration’s inaction in Chicago while federal funds are earmarked to help the roughly 50,000 illegal immigrants who have crossed into America since October.

“Mr. President, we’re asking for you,” one woman said. “You’re spending billions of dollars in Texas, but we’ve a problem here in Chicago. We will not stand by this here, and keep letting this senseless killing and shooting happen in our community.”

Another resident said, “Today, if you look at the time that we were brought here as slaves 400 years ago, we got the same results today.”

In his Saturday column, BCN contributor Marc Little asked whether black Americans were waking up to the impact of illegal immigration. “While few black leaders or any leaders for that matter are speaking out for the black workers across the country and against amnesty, the recent assault of illegal immigration across America’s southwestern borders is waking up the black community without their leaders’ advocacy.”

It’s strange that liberals don’t seem to care about racial discrepancies in abortion rates or fatherless homes or how the presence of wage-suppressing illegal aliens impacts blacks’ employment outlook.

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