Stephen Broden: Black Men Will Lead Charge to Destroy Democratic Party — But Here’s What We Want

Recent polls show that a significant percentage of African American men support President Trump’s election and the direction in which he is leading our nation. However, these polls don’t tell the whole story. The backstory is integral to the shift among black men and, ultimately, the larger black community.

We are witnessing an awakening of black men to the Democrat party’s deception and manipulation of black voters to achieve its agenda to destroy our nation’s morals and attack our liberties guaranteed by the Constitution.

This awakening could not have happened at a better time, as the destruction of black families is painfully apparent to all, including those with little interest in the pathologies plaguing our community.

It is especially relevant that black men are leading this political transformation since the liberal Democrat strategy has primarily targeted them.

The African American community is overwhelmingly Christian in its stated beliefs. The Democrats’ attack on traditional biblical families has had its most destructive results on black families. Democrat policies have ripped black males out of the family and replaced them with big government programs. Militant feminism, promoted by Democrats, has caused many black women to ignore or minimize the need for male leadership in the home. This radical feminist hostility toward fathers primarily victimizes our children. Black boys need their fathers. Moreover, black girls need to see what upright, protective, kind, and courageous male leadership looks like…from their fathers.

Most abhorrently, the Democrats’ indoctrination and immoral political agenda to destroy families have convinced many black women through sophisticated marketing and slick advertisements that child-killing by abortion is the best way to achieve the American dream. Democrats are at the tip of the murderous spear that has resulted in abortion being the number one killer of black lives in America.

Black men can also see now that the homosexual agenda, transgenderism, gender mutilation of children, the redemption of pedophilia as a “lifestyle choice,” and legalized same-sex marriage are all contributing to the breakdown of biblical families in America, and the black family in particular.

Black men now have the challenge of not only facing these pathologies head-on but also of getting black women to follow their leadership as they seek to break the Democrats’ stranglehold on the black vote, especially the black female vote. If this political shift is to start true reformation in our community, black women must again embrace black men’s God-given role of leading the black family.

A word to the wise as we assess the newfound conversion of black men to the Republican ranks: President Trump needs to understand that our support of him is conditional. We will not support policies that continue the promotion of immoral laws or reinforce the evil influence of the Democrats in our community and our nation. Black men will join and lead the charge to destroy the Democrat party and remove the influence in D.C. of perverts by voting them out of office. But we want righteous, God-fearing men and women in their place. The Democrat party must be destroyed, and we must restore the Republic to our Christian roots, not establish a new cesspool of immorality.

See my advertisement to Destroy The Democrat Party at Join the fight!

Pastor Stephen Broden
Fair Park Bible Fellowship
Dallas, Texas

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

Photo credit: justgrimes (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

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  1. The information concerning the Democratic Party is absolutely false. President Trump is not a Christian. You can always know a Christian by their Actions not their Words!!!

    • Democrats have taken GOD out of the Democrat Party! A lot of atheists vote democrat to denounce GOD!
      Democrats Actions are Anti-Christian and their Words are also Anti-Christian!