Bound4Life Features Star Parker and CURE

StarParkerBound4LifeGiven the disparity of the abortion rate between black and white women, you’d think liberals would be all over it. Black women are three times more likely to kill their own children than white women, and Hispanic women twice as likely.

Bound4Life covered the work Star Parker is doing on the pro-life front. An excerpt:

Does Planned Parenthood have something to hide? The Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), led by Star Parker, is on a mission to find out.

“After the Gosnell conviction, inhumane behavior continues regarding the treatment of women – particularly low-income minority women – in abortion facilities,” Parker stated recently.

Because Planned Parenthood targets low-income African American communities for its abortion centers, it follows that born-alive abortions are likely most prevalent there. Thus, Star Parker has gathered an impressive coalition of black leaders to stand for life – representing more than 250,000 black Americans nationwide.

The coalition is laser-focused on getting Congress to give the Born Alive Infants Protection Act a second look, most recently meeting with key leaders on Capitol Hill.

“We have several Senators who have expressed interest in sponsoring legislation,” she noted in a recent post featuring photos from private meetings with Senate and House members.

These Senators include many of the 32 co-sponsors of S. Res. 133, which was drafted after the massive public outcry generated by the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

Photo credit: Bound4Life

If you haven’t seen it, here’s a video of Star Parker’s news conference where she and other black pro-lifers speak in support of the Born-Alive Protection Act of 2002.

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