Congress Is About To Take An Ax To Obamacare In A HUGE Way He'll Despise

America’s long-simmering revolt against Obamacare will move into a new phase Tuesday as the Republican-led Congress is poised to take action to fulfill its 2010 pledge to repeal and replace the controversial health care law.

“We owe it to the American people to take our best shot at repealing Obamacare, and that’s what we’ll do,” Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-Mo., said Saturday. “As a result, President Obama will soon have a choice: Does he support the people and women’s health, or does he support Washington mandates and tax dollars going to Planned Parenthood?”

“We were sent to Congress to fight for the American people. They do not want their healthcare dictated to them by Washington. And they don’t want their tax dollars going to abortion providers,” she said. “We have taken many votes to preserve health care choices and protect precious tax dollars in the House. If the president didn’t hear the people’s voices earlier, hopefully, he will through this bill. It will go directly to his desk by way of the reconciliation process, which avoids obstruction by Senate Democrats.”

BCN editor’s note: This article first appeared at Western Journalism.

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