Judge Dismisses Concerned VA Parents’ Lawsuit Against School Indoctrination — They Will Appeal to Protect Their Children

Parents are concerned about what schools are teaching their children. A group of parents in Albemarle County in Virginia filed a lawsuit against the district challenging the school board’s policies that parents say discriminate against students on the basis of race and indoctrinate students in Marxist ideas that individuals are superior or inferior based on race, and that the U.S. and its institutions are racist.

The parents also said the policies violate students’ rights by compelling them to affirm and support ideas that conflict with their religious and moral beliefs.

The group filed a motion in February, asking a court to stop the school district from enforcing these policies. The court recently ruled against them. Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which represents the parents, will appeal. From National Review:

In a hearing Friday morning, Circuit Judge Claude Worrell dismissed the civil suit, saying there is no proof that anyone has been harmed by the district’s anti-racism policy, and that schools cannot be expected to create individualized education plans to protect students from feeling uncomfortable in class.

Parents are not asking schools to create “individualized education plans.” They want schools to stop indoctrinating students in race-based oppressed and oppressor narratives. These “lessons” are designed stir up bad feelings between the races and separate them. Leftists want to go backward, to the detriment of students of all races.

The court dismissed these parents’ concerns, but ADF senior counsel David Cortman said the case isn’t over. “Every student deserves to be treated equally under the law, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or religion. Public schools cannot attack or demean students based on these, or any other, characteristics.”

By Bill McChesney – Flickr: 32166 Albemarle County School Bus Road-e-o, CC BY 2.0, link

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