Defending the ‘Conjugal’ View of Marriage

defendmarriageWhat Is Marriage? Man and Woman: A Defense, by by Sherif Girgis, Ryan T. Anderson, Robert P. George, did more than defend marriage. It presented a clear case of how far modern man has fallen. The Christian community, in fact, all people, need to arm themselves with the strong evidence contained in this book to be able to intelligently defend marriage.

Thanks to What Is Marriage?, I now have two new words in my arsenal defending marriage: revisionist [emotional union, romantic attachment] and conjugal [male-female, procreation, monogamy, fidelity]. I have always defended conjugal marriage but lacked the clear, concise manner of presenting it. This book provided me the necessary tools to do it effectively.

I can’t say that I was too surprised to learn that most people, when given the opportunity to affirm marriage, overwhelmingly choose the conjugal view. This reason alone is why this book must be disseminated throughout our congregations.

The way What Is Marriage? bypassed the perverted nature of homosexuality and the obvious disdain for same-sex marriage and went for the jugular of oneness in coitus was nothing short of brilliance.

Our goal in our ministry will be to have our leaders study What Is Marriage? We will then begin to teach the married couples from the book. We will then have the leaders teach our young people the definition of marriage using the facts of What Is Marriage?

I’m grateful to the writers for their diligence in giving the world this work. However, I’m especially grateful to Star Parker and CURE for being used of the Lord to bring this information to us. Thank you.

Photo credit: Fibonacci Blue (Creative Commons) – Some Rights Reserved

Bishop David A. Richey is the founder and senior pastor at Gulf Coast Christian Center in Mobile, Alabama. He is also the founder and presiding bishop of the non-profit Operation MOBILE International Churches, Inc.

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