Every Democratic Senator Just Voted Against Protecting Female Athletes From This — Watch and Weep

Executive orders get the job done fast, but executives know that actions must be codified to have a long-term impact. Lawmakers can repeal laws, but that’s a lot harder than canceling another president’s executive orders.

President Donald Trump issued an executive order in February banning men from playing on women’s sports teams.

“The U.S. Congress should act next by passing legislation to clarify that the word “sex” in anti-discrimination law never has and never will include sexual orientation and “gender identity,” I wrote in a post about the executive order.

Republicans attempted to pass such legislation in 2022. They’re trying again with the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act. The House passed the bill in January, but the measure was held in the Senate on Monday night. Every Democrat voted against the bill. The 51-45 vote fell short of the 60 required to avoid a filibuster.

The party that opposes boys and men endangering girls and women and robbing them of fair competition and victories should run campaign ads for midterm elections that show male players injuring females nonstop…like the one below.

A boy playing on a girls’ basketball team apparently injured three girls on the other team. Watch as he yanks the ball away from an opponent, knocking her to the floor. She’s clearly in a lot of pain. Is this fair competition? It absolutely is not. This clip is one of many examples of men dominating women on women’s teams.

Protect our girls! Join us in this fight and help spread the word.

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