WATCH: Despite the Need for Increased Security, Star Parker Continues to Fight for Faith and Freedom

Star Parker, founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), said she received threats and had to move to a different residence.

The left is all about stifling dissent. And the conservative Star won’t be silenced.

“This is a part of the tactics of the left now…to intimidate you in your personal life, to intimidate you in your privacy to where you’ll be afraid, and you won’t act anymore,” she told Christian Television Network hosts Herman and Sharron Bailey. Leftists figure if they can stop Star from speaking, they can intimate everyone else into silence. It’s not a new strategy. They’ve been doing it since slavery.

Star supports what President Donald Trump is trying to do, particularly with inner-city poor communities. She said that conservatives have one opportunity to change things in this country. CURE seeks to play a role. The organization’s mission is to fight poverty and restore dignity through the message of faith, freedom, and personal responsibility.

“The left has controlled this country for the last 50 years, and look where we are,” she said.

Watch the brief clip to hear why Star compares President Trump to a biblical Pharaoh.

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  1. Hi, Star – I just watched your interview with CTN’s Hermon and Sharron Bailey. Absolutely brilliant discussion! I didn’t realize that the tolerant left was becoming as intolerant and dangerous as you say. But when you’re really desperate and scared of losing your power – well, as in love and war, anything goes (ask Vince Foster). So I’m doubling down on prayer…

    • Yes, we are in a civil war for the Constitution of America, and a spiritual war for the Soul of America. Star is an inspiration and a tireless leader (yet still a “foot soldier” ).