Does This Virginia School System Allow Students to Inform on One Another for Wrongthink?

Like the old Communist countries, with their secret police and informing network, a government school system in the land of liberty, a nation founded so that people could be free, will allow students to anonymously inform on other students who think outside the leftist orthodoxy. And concerned parents allege that the school system is biased toward minorities in selecting students for an “equity” program.

The Loudoun County school system has a “Student Equity Ambassador Program” and a “Bias Reporting System,” which encourages students to “observe and discuss incidents of racist behavior,” according to WTOP.

A selected group of students meet with administrators and report “racist” incidents, and all students can anonymously report such incidents committed by other students.

According to the Liberty Justice Center, which represents the parents, only “‘students of color’ or those who expressly attest to being ‘allies’ are eligible to participate in #LCPS ‘Student Equity Ambassador Program.’ It’s basically a student council that converts students into speech police… it’s school-sanctioned bullying.”

Parents have filed a lawsuit against the school district.

From the announcement (emphasis in original):

Loudoun County Public Schools serves over 80,000 students from kindergarten through high school in Virginia, outside of Washington, D.C. To implement a new equity curriculum, the Loudoun County School Board has instituted a set of initiatives that censor free speech and discriminate against students based on their race.

“The school board has been trying to pretend discrimination and suppression of free speech isn’t happening in our schools, but we see it in class lessons, in the books being promoted or banned in the library, and in the creation of new school programs,” said Patti Hidalgo Menders, mother of an LCPS high school student.

Photo credit: By A.J. Jelonek – Own work, CC BY 3.0, link

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