Donald Trump, Chick-fil-A, and the Black Vote

Are the Democrats losing their grip on black voters?

T.W. Shannon, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education’s vice chair, recently appeared on Fox News’s “The Story,” hosted by Martha MacCallum, with co-panelists Jason Chaffetz and Juan Williams to discuss the issue.

The segment opened with Fox News playing a clip from Michaelah Montgomery’s interview on Fox and Friends, the Chick-fil-A employee who hugged President Donald Trump when he visited last week in Atlanta.

She said she thinks — and the sentiment she gets from the kids — is they feel like Trump is honest. While they might not agree with how he says or goes about things, “at least he’s telling us what it is,” she said. “We don’t feel like this is a snake in the grass, waiting for his chance to bite us.”

What does Shannon think? He loves it!

“I think the Democrats recognize they are losing their grip on the black vote,” he said.

Why are black voters running toward Trump? Shannon said there are two reasons:

Black voters remember COVID, Shannon said. “They remember that it was the Democrats who were saying ‘You can’t go to work, you can’t go to your job, and you can’t send your kids to schools.’ And Republicans were saying, ‘We want to protect your job, and we want your kids to go to school.'”

And the kicker: Shannon said blacks know that Joe Biden has replaced them with illegal aliens. The open borders crisis “is a direct attack on black voters, and black people recognize it,” Shannon said.

Why is Jamal locked up, Shannon said, while Julio is running around doing whatever he wants to and getting benefits from the government?

Juan Williams’s face when he said that! Williams said that what we see “is a decline, especially black men, not so much black women, in support for Biden.” But Williams added: it’s early.

Watch the entire segment below.

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One comment

  1. A vote for this 21 year old demoncRATic CON struct party is a vote for Godlessness, Marxism cloaked in woke dei blm social JESTus and nazi REGRESSION. It produces baby killing defrauding of mothers 2b sodomite celebration inflation/economy ruination racism and making MULTI MILLIONAIRE$ out of these “public servants”. A Dumpster 🔥 SINister. Shameful. Destroying the family our children this Constitutional Republic.