WATCH: Dr. Ben Carson Leaves GOP Presidential Race, Begins New Mission

Dr. Ben Carson, no longer running for president, has taken up an important new mission during the presidential election cycle. He officially suspended his campaign last week at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

“I did the math, I looked at the delegate count, looked at the states, looked at the requirements,” he said. “I realized it simply wasn’t going to happen and if that’s the case, I didn’t want to interfere with the process.”

Dr. Carson is now working to get out the Christian vote for

“This moment in history is perhaps the most critical period in the history of the United States. People of faith can make the difference. When you look at the number of evangelicals — 25 million who didn’t vote last time — and the margin of difference between the candidates — five million votes — you can see that it would have made the biggest difference.”

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  1. You’re just the one to motive people to vote and make a difference for our country. You’re so admired so many of us are disappointed you can’t be our president, but you can be our leader.

  2. Hal G. P. Colebatch

    Good luck, best wishes, and God bless you, Dr Ben!

  3. Self Introspection (SWOT Analysis) at its best. You’re always my man Dr. Carson.