Eric Holder to Resign – UPDATED

Eric Holder, the man who said America was “a nation of cowards” because white people wouldn’t talk about race the way he wanted them to, will resign from his position as Attorney General. NPR reports:

Holder already is one of the longest serving members of the Obama cabinet and ranks as the fourth longest tenured AG in history. Hundreds of employees waited in lines, stacked three rows deep, for his return in early February 2009 to the Justice Department, where he previously worked as a young corruption prosecutor and as deputy attorney general — the second in command — during the Clinton administration.

Another huge controversy — over his decision to try the 9-11 plotters in a New York courthouse in the shadow of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center — prompted venomous reaction from lawmakers, New York City officials and some victim families.

Under pressure that threatened his job and his legacy, the attorney general reversed his decision and instead sent the cases to military court — where they continue to languish even as Osama Bin Laden’s son-in-law and other terrorism defendants are serving life sentences in maximum security prisons on American soil.

Update: From Horace Cooper, Co-Chair of Project 21, a black conservatives network:

“Eric Holder’s term as the Attorney General is finally coming to an end. I, for one, am thankful.

“As the nation’s first black head of the Justice Department, Eric Holder managed to set back race relations, showed disrespect for the rule of law and undermined basic constitutional principles. Hopefully, his replacement will understand the difference between being the chief legal advisor for the implementation of a partisan agenda and being the chief law enforcement officer of the United States.

“With the appropriate new leadership, the Justice Department can return to its proper role as a steward of the Constitution. Instead of undermining the separation of powers, it can protect it. Instead of castigating the Supreme Court and its precedent, it can bolster them.

“Never again should we accept a nominee for this post who fails to accept the responsibilities of this esteemed office.

“Project 21 members have disagreed with the Holder Justice Department on issues such as voter ID and other ballot protections, race-based school admissions policies and the dropped voter intimidation prosecution of the New Black Panther Party, and have questioned the Department’s investigations of the IRS scandal, Fast and Furious, and other matters.”

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