These Two Religious Organizations Asked the Sixth Circuit to Protect Their Freedom to Hire Employees Who Share Their Beliefs About Marriage and Sexuality

Christians knew that laws barring so-called discrimination against individuals based on sexual behavior eventually would threaten their First Amendment freedoms.

The Bible teaches that marriage is the God-ordained union between one man and one woman. Sex outside marriage — fornication and adultery — are sins. So is homosexuality, which God calls an abomination.

Faith-based organizations run by people who believe what the Bible teaches on these matters want to hire employees who also believe.

But leftist lawmakers do not respect religious freedom, at least when it concerns Christianity. Leftists advocate “rights” for men who want to enter women’s intimate spaces like restrooms and “rights” for people who want to groom impressionable and vulnerable children and weaken safeguarding protection against sexual predators.

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) represents clients fighting for their religious freedom. ADF just filed two appeals on their behalf.

Christian Healthcare Centers, a non-profit in Michigan, seeks to hire people who believe what the Bible teaches about marriage and sexuality. But a Michigan law bars discrimination based on sexual orientation and “gender identity.”

A school in Michigan called the Sacred Heart Academy, part of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, is also dealing with the same law. The government would retaliate against this school for refusing to hire faculty and staff who do not share the school’s beliefs about marriage and sexuality. From ADF (emphasis added):

Additionally, by preventing Sacred Heart from operating its school consistent with its beliefs, state officials are violating the rights of parents—including the three families who have joined the lawsuit—who specifically chose to send their children to Sacred Heart Academy because the school aligns with their values and religious beliefs.

ADF has asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit to protect the religious freedom of these organizations.

Photo credit: Photo credit: Alliance Defending Freedom

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One comment

  1. I’m afraid for Businesses that let positions on these matters will be under attack by the lgbtq crazies looking for Law suits.
    Be Safe BCN🙏🙏