This Concerned Father Has a Problem With Someone Teaching His Children They’re Oppressed Based on the Color of Their Skin

Brian Echevarria, who’s running for the North Carolina General Assembly, is a concerned father who told a local school board that he’s biracial, and in North Carolina and in America, “I can do anything I want, and I teach that to my children. And the person who teaches my little pecan-colored kids that they’re somehow oppressed based on the color of their skin would be absolutely wrong and absolutely at war with me.”

Echevarria called critical race theory a “big fat lie.” He said that if you believe in CRT, you’re a liar. It means you look at your black neighbor and say they’re oppressed or your white neighbor and say they’re evil — regardless of the experiences you’ve had with them.

He also spoke against mask mandates, boys competing in sports against girls, and claims of racism. Echevarria said he and his children deal with everyone, and so-called racism “is only happening at the government level and [in] the media.”

At this point, two police officers entered the room. Coincidence, or did someone ask them to come to the meeting?

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  1. Just a strong good American speaking the Truth. God Bless him and his family always. God Bless his willingness to get involved. All must listen to his common sense and his challenge to all good Americans. Praying for our country 🇺🇸

  2. Love it, “We’re taking back the wheel.”