Ferguson Rioter Shoots at Cops and Ends Up Critical In Hospital

A man shot at the police in Ferguson on Sunday as looters targeted stores during a protest march marking the anniversary of the Michael Brown shooting. The police returned fire, and the rioter ended up in the hospital in critical condition.

Although black people shoot other black people all the time, shootings are globally newsworthy and riot-inducing only when a white person pulls the trigger. From Fox News:

In a statement released Monday morning, St. Louis County police said the suspect was one of at least two people who exchanged gunfire at around 11:15 p.m. local time along West Florissant Avenue. Belmar said that between 40 and 50 shots were fired in an exchange that lasted approximately 45 seconds, an amount he described as “remarkable.”

Belmar said that officers had been tracking the suspect, whom they believed to be armed, during the protest. As the gunfire began, the unmarked van the officers were driving in turned on its emergency lights and began moving toward the suspect. Authorities said the man opened fire, striking the van multiple times.

And now St. Louis County is under a state of emergency.

Deneen Borelli, Outreach Director for FreedomWorks and chief political correspondent for the Conservative Review, appeared on Fox News to comment on the incident. The host reminded the audience that Darren Wilson, the former police officer who shot Brown, was cleared of all charges.

Borelli said the recent demonstration was viewed as mostly peaceful, and individuals who wanted to make trouble inserted themselves. “They basically hijacked the demonstration.” She added that there are still elements in the black community who believe the “Hands up, don’t shoot” narrative, when reports show that Brown didn’t have his hands up in surrender when he was shot.

“What’s really unfortunate is the fact that we have black leaders in America who have not come out against the “Hands up, don’t shoot” [lie]. President Obama, Eric Holder…local leaders, you name it.” People in these communities are still reacting to this lie.

The host noted that the riots have an adverse economic impact in these communities. Borelli mentioned that small businesses were shut down. The effects of the riots make things worse. Borelli explains what all Americans should be doing about it.

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