Fired Christian Fox Sports Analyst Fights Back

Craig-James-CampaignFox Sports fired analyst Craig James in 2013 for believing what God says and what humanity has recognized for millenia — that marriage is the union between one man and one woman.

Imagine telling someone 20 years ago that a man could lose his job for speaking against homosexual “marriage.”

James didn’t even say this on the job. While running for a U.S. Senate seat, he responded to a question about what he believes: “I’m a guy that believes in a man and a woman … Adam and Eve — and what the Bible says.” James also criticized his Republican opponent, the former mayor of Dallas, for marching in homosexual “pride” parades.

The mayor denied he supported homosexual “marriage” and agreed that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. What probably riled up Fox Sports and the people who demanded James’s head the most was this statement: “They are going to have to answer to the Lord for their actions.”

James has decided to do something about it. He filed a lawsuit against Fox Sports for religious discrimination. From Breitbart:

The suit filed in Texas district court lists numerous defendants, including Fox Sports President Eric Shanks and Fox Network Groups President Randy Freer. The text of the litigation, along with the accompanying exhibits, proves at least the corporate sensitivity of the case in the numerous redacted sections therein.

“This is very troubling as an employee when your boss holds against you something you said about your belief system nearly eighteen months before you were recruited and hired,” James told Breitbart Sports in an exclusive interview. “I said nothing about my belief system on the air at Fox Sports. So, the fact that they reached back in my past nearly eighteen months and responded to a comment about my biblical belief in natural marriage as a candidate—that’s troubling.”

In a similar case, Kelvin Cochran, former Atlanta fire chief, is suing the city for violating his constitutional rights. Mayor Kasim Reed fired him for his beliefs about the sin of homosexuality. Technically, Reed accused Cochran of insubordination because he handed out copies of his book at work. In this interview with the Daily Signal, Cochran set the record straight.

Photo credit: Liberty Institute

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