The Government Has Gone After a Christian Rescue Mission for Not Hiring Non-Christians

One would expect a Muslim homeless organization that also ministers to the people there to hire followers of Islam only. It’s doubtful a non-Muslim would apply in the first place, and it’s unlikely that the person would sue for not getting the job based on religion.

But Christian organizations receive no such grace. Sue-happy heathens file lawsuits just to make a point, and the government goes after them with full force.

Wyoming Rescue Mission filed a lawsuit of its own to protect itself after state and federal officials threatened to retaliate over the ministry refusing to hire a person who doesn’t share its beliefs or mission.

The organization ministers to people’s physical needs but also their souls. Christ exhorts us to go and make disciples of all the nations, “baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” and Wyoming Rescue Mission needs employees who believe this command.

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which represents the mission, announced the lawsuit.

In 2020, a “self-proclaimed” unbeliever applied to work in one of the mission’s thrift stores, “a role that is expected to teach the mission’s Discipleship Recovery Program guests how to spread the gospel and model Christ.” Naturally, the person complained to the government after the application was rejected. ADF said the government investigated the mission for 16 months.

Again, can you imagine the government doing the same to a Muslim service organization?

The government said that the Wyoming Rescue Mission “likely” violated the law. From ADF:

“These laws don’t demand that a religious organization risk undermining its mission and very reason for existence by hiring people who don’t even share its foundational beliefs,” said ADF Legal Counsel Jacob Reed. “Although both laws allow religious organizations to hire those who share their beliefs, the government has ignored those provisions, putting the Mission to the impossible, and unconstitutional, choice of either furthering its religious purpose or changing its hiring practices to avoid penalties and liability.”

Last year, the Wyoming Rescue Mission served 60,862 free meals to the public; provided 41,037 beds for men, women, and children; enrolled 92 Discipleship Recovery Program participants; offered 5,597 case management sessions; and gave 1,208 thrift store vouchers worth $39,649.92 that provided free clothing and essentials to families and guests in need.

Photo credit: ADF

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