Federal Grand Jury Acquits Pro-Life Father Charged After He Shoved an Abortion Clinic Volunteer Escort Away from His Son

The Washington Examiner announced that a federal grand jury has acquitted a pro-life father charged with two counts of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) after he pushed an abortion clinic volunteer escort away from his son.

Mark Houck was among a group of pro-lifers praying outside an abortion clinic. The father of seven said that he was protecting his son after the volunteer escort, Bruce Love, harassed him. The government said Houck’s actions rose to the level of preventing entrance to the clinic. He obviously did no such thing, which is why the grand jury acquitted him of the charges. Houck was protecting his child from the worker, not physically trying to stop women from killing theirs.

The Thomas More Society, Houck’s legal counsel, said it introduced evidence that showed the FACE Act excludes “escorts” at abortion clinics “because they do not provide reproductive health services in a facility, as required under the FACE Act.” (emphasis in original)

“The FACE Act was never intended to cover disputes between advocates on the public sidewalks outside of our nation’s abortion clinics,” Executive Vice President & Head of Litigation Peter Breen said.

The FBI raided Houck’s home and arrested him in front of his wife and children — for shoving a foul-mouthed man away from his child. He faced 11 years in prison.

William McGurn, writing for the Wall Street Journal, noted that a CEO for Planned Parenthood Southeast Pennsylvania recommended that the abortion mill stop using Love because he “had a problem following the clinic’s ‘non-engagement’ policy—even though he was spoken to ‘on numerous occasions.'”

McGurn said the FBI came to Houck’s home “as though he were a violent gangster.” Twenty-five (or more) armed agents showed up in the early morning.

“The FBI disputes details of her account. They deny it was an actual SWAT team and insist that Mrs. Houck’s estimate of the number of agents is an ‘overstatement.'”

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One comment

  1. Were I Mr. Houck, I would sue the feds and the nutjob Mr. Love(really? That’s his real name?).
    Of course, I’m sure Mr. Houck is a better man than I, cuz Mr. Love is still walking and talking after threatening his son. That Mr. Houck did not damage Mr. Love is a testament to his faith in God and his dedication to his family.
    Just sayin’.