Hamas and Islamic Jihad Praise Jerusalem Terror Attack

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Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad have called Wednesday terror attack that killed a three-month infant and injured several others as “an act of heroism” for the Palestinian people and praising the “fierce stance against the crimes of the occupation” in East Jerusalem.

A Hamas official stated, “The attack in Jerusalem is a natural response to what is taking place in the city, given the harassment and overall attacks of Judaization affecting our holy places and Muslims.”

Several Hamas officials have also called on a third intifada and for to “halt its security coordination with Israel and to act in resistance in the West Bank.”

Mushir al-Masri, a spokesman for Hamas stated on Thursday, “The attack in Jerusalem is an act of heroism and a natural response to the crimes of the occupation against our people and our holy place.”

Islamic Jihad released an official statement, “There is Zionist aggression against all of our people, and today the resistance responded to this attack. This is a natural right. This attack is a strong response to the Israeli occupation, whose crimes are unable to break the resistance.”

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon addressed the growing anti-Semitism within Israel stating that the terror attack in Jerusalem is a result of the failures of the Palestinian Authority and education of Palestinian youth. He stated that the attack was clearly the outcome of those in the Palestinian Authority who educate the younger generation to hate Jews and expel them from their homeland. The Palestinian Authority does not, and never did, have a culture of peace, but rather a culture of incitement and jihad against Jews. It starts with Abbas’s lying statements against Israel from the UN podium continues with persistent Palestinian attempts to delegitimize us in the international arena and ends with incitement in the Palestinian education system. These are the harsh consequences.”

AmirTsarfatiAmir Tsarfati, a Jewish Christian, is the founder and president of Behold Israel, a news site to correct the scarcity in trustworthy reportage on issues and events impacting Israel, and to resolve the uncertainty about who or what to believe.

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