Amir Tsarfati: Hamas Terrorists and Their Culture of Death

Shalom from northern Israel! We’re just entering another cold snap that’s going to eventually bring our temperatures in the Jezreel Valley down to around 2°C (34°F), and is predicted to bring snow to Jerusalem on Monday. I know my Nordic friends and my compadres in the north central United States are saying, “My brother, you don’t even know cold.” But, trust me, for us Israelis, this is pretty chilly.

I started out this newsletter light, because its mood is only going to go down from here. Monday marked Day 500 of this horrendous war into which Israel was thrust. We didn’t ask for it. It wasn’t us who invaded Gaza or Lebanon. They fired the first shots, and, especially in the south, they did it in such a horrific way that Israel was forced to respond with strength, purpose, and determination.

Much has happened over these last 500 days. Because it has been so lengthy, I would encourage you to watch my “MidEast Update: 500 Days of War.” There, you will hear a run-down of the important events of the war right up to this week. You’ll also hear my takes on other important happenings in the world. As always, they are all viewed through the lens of Scripture and God’s prophetic timeline.

The one problem with focusing on 500 days of war is that it is such a big number, and it encompasses so many lost lives and so many tragedies. A quote often attributed to Josef Stalin states that “the death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic.” In Israel, we are determined not to let those killed on October 7 or in the succeeding months of war, or those who have suffered captivity and horrific deprivation at the hands of terrorists, lose their identities and melt into a numerical blob. Each person killed or kidnapped was a mother or daughter, a father or son. They were students, farmers, soldiers, tradespeople, homemakers, young people trying to find themselves, and old folks who looked forward to spending their remaining days with their ever-expanding families. In other words, they were everyday people, just like you and me, whose lives were suddenly, brutally, and permanently destroyed because of the raging violence of a hateful army of terrorists and civilians.

Today, Thursday, we received the dead bodies of four of our beloved Israeli family. On October 7, Oded Lipshitz, an octogenarian peace activist who volunteered with an organization that transported sick Palestinian children to hospitals in Israel, was protecting his wife, Yocheved, in the kibbutz that he had helped to found. Five terrorists found the couple in their safe room, and in the ensuing attack Oded was shot in the hand. Both were kidnapped to Gaza, but Yocheved was released two weeks later. There was no news of the fate of Oded. Now we know why. Oded’s body was returned to his heart-broken family and his grieving nation.

Living in the same kibbutz as Oded and Yocheved were Yarden and Shiri Bibas. Yarden, a welder, and Shiri, a bookkeeper, had been debating moving up toward the Golan Heights because of their anxiety over the kibbutz’s proximity to Gaza. As young parents, they wanted to ensure the safety of their two children, Kfir, nine months, and Ariel, four, whose red hair led his father to nickname him “the first Yemenite Ginger.” When the attack began, all the terrified family huddled in the safe room. However, when it seemed like they were bound to be discovered, Yarden bravely left the family in order to draw the terrorists’ attention away from his wife and children. Yarden was captured, then, by a separate group, so were Shiri and the children. Meanwhile, in another part of the kibbutz, Shiri’s parents were slaughtered by the terrorists.

Still separated, the Bibas family were taken captive to Gaza. Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir were spotted in several media posts over the next couple days, but then they disappeared from sight. Yarden was held for months in a cage, starved, and mentally tortured over the fate of his family. Finally, on the first day of this month, Yarden was released. But there was no sign of his beloved family. Now, the dead bodies of Shiri and little Ariel and Kfir have been released today. Al-Mujahideen Brigades, another Gazan terrorist organization, claims to have held the mother and children and taken good care of them. But then they were killed in an Israeli airstrike, so you can’t blame them for their deaths.

I find that I’m having to restrain myself so I don’t pound my keys as I type this rot. “Hey, Israel, your people had it good while they were with us. But then you had to go and spoil it by blowing them up.” The logical fallacies inherent in that kind of stupid statement are not even worth spelling out. It is trash, the people who spoke these words are trash, and the ones who took this family captive to their deaths are trash. What’s most disturbing are the number of people around the world, and even in my own country, who will believe these demonic lies! They will chastise the government and blame the military. It’s insane.

It’s been 500 days since Hamas began this war. So many people have been lost due to the terrorists’ horrific and barbaric decisions. Oded Lifshitz, Shiri Bibas, Ariel Bibas, and Kfir Bibas are four of those innocent lives now gone. The disgusting celebratory transference ceremony that their family and their nation had to witness just to receive back their remains shows you everything you need to know about who these people are. They are a culture of death. They glorify death, they train their children in death, and they long for their own deaths if it means they’re able to take other people with them. It is satanic to the core.

MidEast Update

Because I want the stories of Oded, Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir to be the focus of this newsletter, I went a little long with my intro. If there is anything you take away from this, let it be a memory of them. Let me again remind you to subscribe to my Telegram channel to stay up to date on all the news. Also, be sure to watch Tuesday’s MidEast Update.

Lebanon Update
This war has not just been against Gaza. The day after the October 7 attack, Lebanon jumped into the fray by firing salvo after salvo of rockets into Israel. Israel Defense Forces focused on the south until they felt they had a good grip on Gaza. Then they directed their attack toward Hezbollah. It’s possible that the terrorists could have given a decent fight, but then the beepers went off and Hezbollah’s world quite literally exploded. Walkie-talkie-gate came immediately after, and the terrorists knew they were all but beaten. So many of their soldiers were damaged, but so were their missile capabilities. The Israeli Air Force pounded a battered Hezbollah destroying thousands upon thousands of missiles, along with tons of weapons, ammunition, and other war materiel. That was what led to the ceasefire.

Now we are at the time of the ceasefire when the withdrawal of Israel is to be completed. And it is – mostly. There are still five key areas in Lebanon along the border where Israel is determined to keep its military just in case Hezbollah wants to pop off again. The terrorist group is weak, but it is not completely defeated.

Turkey has now stepped in to backdoor aid to Hezbollah. Israel threatened to bomb Beirut airport if it allowed any Iranian planes in. So, Turkey has opened the Istanbul airport to flights from Iran, so that Tehran can send planes in, move the cargo to other non-Iranian aircraft, and send them down to Beirut and their proxy militia. Despite this work-around, the Hezbollah grunts are still furious at the government for closing down the airport to Iranian flights, and they are rioting in the streets. Chief amongst those being targeted are United Nations personnel and vehicles. This is the UN that is supposed to oversee peace in Lebanon, but they never will because they are terrified to Hezbollah. What a mess!

Gaza Update
As I mentioned above, four murdered hostages were returned today, and six living hostages are set to come home on Saturday. This will complete the exchanges for Phase 1 of the agreement. Unfortunately, Phase 2 cannot be implemented until Hamas is gone from Gaza. Currently, Israel is preparing a package deal for Gazans – we’ll give you money, a ticket, and we’ll make sure you leave. The question is where they will go to. The Egyptians are panicking because they don’t want them. The Jordanians are panicking for the same reason. They know that the Palestinians historically are a significant, and often deadly, problem wherever they go. This puts us at a stalemate. President Trump has frozen budgets for Palestinian security forces. Someone or something has got to give. These days ahead will be interesting to watch.

One question I am persistently asked is why Israel doesn’t just go and flatten Gaza right now. Trust me, after what I witnessed today, there is nothing I would rather see done. But people need to understand that there are 33 more living hostages in Gaza. Yes, we mourn our dead, but we still want our living captives home safely. Once that is done, we’ll go and unleash hell on Hamas and all the Gazan terrorists. In Gaza, they glorify death. In Israel, we sanctify life, and that is why we are staying our hand.

Egypt Update
We have a big problem with Egypt. When the Camp David Accords were signed back in 1978, three zones were created in the Sinai. Zone A, farthest from Israel’s border, allowed four Egyptian infantry battalions. Zone B was limited to lightly armed civilian police, not to exceed 7500. Zone C, nearest Israel, could only include a maximum of 200 civilian police. That was then; this is now.

There are hundreds of Egyptian tanks along Israel’s border. But that’s the least troubling example of what is there. Tunnel warfare is practiced in the desert near Israel. Also, exercises in the “safety zones” include motorized gliders from which soldiers can parachute, exactly as Hamas did on October 7! Is there any question where the terrorists’ training came from? Egypt has always kept Hamas as a buffer against Israel, but what are we to infer from the massive military buildup? Is Egypt preparing an invasion? Israel has never wanted a war with Egypt, but we will certainly accept one if it is brought. Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Yechiel Leiter, said, “Egypt is seriously violating the peace agreement and is building offensive military sites in Sinai. Israel will deal with this soon.”

Iran Update
There is a big question mark over Tehran right now. Is Iran nuclear capable or not? Recently, in a cryptic message, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Today, our defensive power is well known, our enemies are afraid of this. This is very important for our country.” What is it that has given the Supreme Leader this confidence? Or is he just blowing more smoke? President Trump thinks that Iran is afraid, and he very well may be right. But their fears are likely more than just military in nature.

In mid-January, concerned over possible blowback by Trump’s administration, China made the decision to ban all sanctioned oil tankers from using their ports. This includes Iran’s exports. Just like that, half of China oil imports from Iran were halted. The only oil now coming in from Iran is through small, independent Chinese refineries. At the same time, according to the New York Times, Iran’s energy crisis has hit a “dire” point. Schools, government offices, and industries have been forced to shorten hours, close for days at a time, or shut down altogether for lack of power. The ayatollahs can make their threats, but it is the power grid that may determine the fate of the country.

U.S.-Russia Update
Volodymyr Zelenskyy could be in trouble right about now. Western media made the man a rockstar. He was on talk shows, he met with world leaders, he was showered with awards. But most people who really knew the truth about the man recognized that there was a lot more hype than substance with him. Now, in a scathing post, President Trump has called Zelenskyy out as a dictator, quite possibly a thief, and a terrible leader whose incompetence has led to many thousands of his people being killed. A year ago, few people would have agreed with Trump’s words. However, with the on-going war and the eyes of many finally being opened to the way Zelenskyy played Biden (and other leaders) “like a fiddle” (using Trump’s words), the bloom is rapidly falling off the rose.

Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio, along with National Security Advisor Michael Waltz and Special Representative Steve Witkoff, are in Saudi Arabia meeting with representatives of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s government trying to find a solution that will end the war. Zelenskyy is furious that his nation is being left out of the peace talks, possibly because any agreement would appear to include a demand for elections in Ukraine – a vote that he would have a low chance of winning due to his unpopularity in his own country. The eyes of the world are on this summit. Many believe that the talks between Russia and the United States, and eventually between the two national leaders, may lead to a new restructuring of the world order.

The Ministry

Monday, please join Pastor Barry and me for CONNECT Q&A at 8:00 AM PST as we answer your questions. The next day, Tuesday, will be my live MidEast Update, also at 8:00 AM PST. Then, on Wednesday, February 26, I’ll be back with Dr. Rick Yohn as we take time to Explore the Bible at 10:00 AM PST.

Save the Date
I’m home now, but I won’t be for long. At the end of next month, I’ll be off to Denmark where I’ll spend the evening of March 26 in Kolding and the afternoon of March 29 in Copenhagen. Then, in the middle of April, I’ll be back in Osaka, Japan. Also, Pastor Mike Golay and Jason Koemans will be in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, March 22-23 for a Prophecy Seminar! Registration is already open for all of these events, so make sure to secure your spot today!

We have a vast array of resources available in our online shop right now! Books, study guides, Bible stuffers, clothing, accessories, and more – including bundle options that allow you to receive the best possible price on your order. Currently, you can get the first three Nir Tavor fiction thrillers for just $12.00! Head over to our shop to see what’s available for your next personal and/or group study.

This past week, I dealt with some health issues within my extended family. As we prayed, the Behold Israel team prayed, and so many of you prayed, it reminded me of what a blessing it is to be part of God’s family. One small family living inland from the eastern shore of the Mediterranean had the honor of being lifted up by people from around the globe. It’s truly breath-taking and humbling. And, to no one’s surprise, God honored those prayers. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

And thank you for your continued prayers and support of the ministry. God is good and He always provides. In that, we can have great peace.

Awaiting His Return,

Amir Tsarfati

Amir Tsarfati, a Jewish Christian, is the founder and president of Behold Israel, a news site to correct the scarcity in trustworthy reportage on issues and events impacting Israel, and to resolve the uncertainty about who or what to believe.

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

Photo credits: By An autogenerated body cam photo – Original publication: Hamas’s telegram account immediate source: link

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