Here’s What Star Parker Thinks About Rape/Incest Abortion Exceptions

Pro-lifer Star Parker, founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, explained to the Daily Wire how abortion and slavery are both crimes against humanity. An excerpt of the interview:

DW: You often analogize abortion to slavery. Can you expand on that a little bit?

“PARKER: When we read the Dredd Scott decision and we read the Roe v. Wade decision, and you take the titles off of both of them, you’d be hard-pressed to figure out which one is which because they read almost verbatim.

“Both of the discussions are about life, liberty, and property, and this is something that we as a society have determined we want to protect. That’s what makes America unique in the world – we protect life; we protect liberty; we protect property – and abortion, like slavery, is a violation of all three. The very life, the very liberty, and the very what we might call property, is in the hands of somebody else.

“In both cases, we’re seeing life at the hands of someone else determining whether you have the right to live or die. We see liberty, someone else determining whether you should be allowed as a unique and distinct human being, to make choices for yourself and for others that are related to you. We see it in property where ownership is important.

“When we talk about the difference between freedom and slavery, it’s the ability to determine your own destiny, your own time, and what you do with it, and so both of them are so very similar, and I think that we’re facing this exact same question in our history that we were in the 1850s when Abraham Lincoln had to talk to the country about who we want to be. We can’t be both.”

What does Star think about the so-called exceptions for rape and incest? Read the full interview.

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