Heterosexual Couple Tried to Punish Christian Business Owner for Marriage Stance

Inne-of-the-Abingtons-gazeboThis is a strange case out of Pennsylvania. John Antolick, owner of the Inne of the Abingtons, declined to host a lesbian “wedding.” A man and woman who’d planned to hold their wedding and reception services there canceled in protest and demanded the return of their deposit. The owner, as per the contract, refused. They sued for the deposit and treble damages.

“We are happy to host dinners, birthday parties, or just about any other kind of event regardless of a client’s sexual orientation, but not a same-sex wedding,” Antolick said. “I don’t want to discriminate against anyone, but my conscience will not allow me to use my business to endorse an event that contradicts God’s design for marriage.”

Liberty Counsel defended the business. Before the judge dismissed the case, which he was inclined to do, the couple withdrew the lawsuit. What has been common sense and common practice for thousands of years is now controversial.

Photo credit: Inne of the Abingtons

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