Historic Moment, Historic City

I was in Jerusalem to celebrate the opening of our country’s embassy in this historic city.

The decision to move the American embassy to the capital of Israel is based on a law that was passed 23 years ago in 1995. It’s about time!

I hope you’ll watch my message for you from Jerusalem.

You know CURE has worked long to support this move. In 2015 when the Black Caucus protested Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech in Congress, I wrote about it in my weekly syndicated column:

“The Black Caucus is out of step with black Christians by not welcoming this visitor bringing the ‘gospel of freedom’ from abroad. They should recognize that welcoming Mr. Netanyahu means, in the words of Dr. King, ‘standing up for what is best in the American dream and for the most sacred values of our Judeo-Christian heritage.'”

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