How to Fix Violent and Drug-Filled Cities? The Answer Might Surprise You.

Marc Little, Vice Chairman for the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, recently appeared on Fox News to discuss what’s not working in violent cities like Chicago and drug-filled cities like San Francisco.

Little believes the focus should be on employment, housing, and education, “specifically, employment for felons.”

If non-violent felons can’t get jobs, it leads to more crime, he added.

“We know that a job keeps people from going back to jail. That’s number one. Number two, we know that in some of our cities, we have city leadership who has misapplied their housing funds. We call it Section 8.”

Misapplication of these funds contributes to homelessness. The third issue is education. Leaders want to keep kids in failing schools. They must embrace school choice and vouchers.

Little said that money isn’t the problem. Watch the brief clip to find out what he thinks is the problem.

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  1. Marc, that was brilliant – employment, housing, education! And thanks for mentioning the faith community. Without a return to absolute, faith-based values and morality, we don’t stand a chance regardless of what programs or funding is put into play.

    • All of these things need to be done if we are ever going to reverse the Fatherlessness epidemic in this nation as well.

    • The truly sad commentary is that “We The Serfs” have allowed the change in America’s culture from one of a more religious society to one of a completely secular one, over the past fifty-odd years! In the late 50’s to early 60’s, before Americans “evolved” (devolved) and became enlightened about all things from birth to death, ONLY 2%, read that again, “ONLY 2%” of children of ALL races/ethnicities in America grew up in a SINGLE parent household! That number, by 2008, had BALLOONED to over 45% in Black communities, and DOUBLE digits in ALL others. NO society can survive without the bedrock underpinning of a vibrant and secure FAMILY unit. All the mayhem and violence America has been experiencing these past twenty-odd years is simply the “fruit/reaping” that was seeded fifty plus years ago! It took at least thirty years to get to this point, CAN, or is there any desire/hope to turn it around? Let us just suggest that it will take more than one president to simply STOP the decline!!