If You Believe You Have To Be A Citizen To Vote, You'll Be Shocked At What This Big City Wants To Do

WCJ-images-NYC-voteIt’s often been said, “As California goes, so goes that nation” because the Golden State has led the way in so many societal changes, trends, and fads — from automobile emission laws to the skateboard craze to the sexual revolution.

Now, it seems, that New York City under the leadership of leftist Mayor Bill DeBlasio and an ultra-liberal city council may blaze a trail that many Americans feel could lead the country over a dangerous political cliff.

The Guardian reports that the city council of the Big Apple is drawing up a proposal to give non-citizens the right to vote in local elections.

“Under the likely terms of the legislation, legally documented residents who have lived in New York City for at least six months will be able to vote in municipal elections.”

Advocates of voting rights for residents who don’t have legal status as U.S. citizens say the legislation now in development would mark a major milestone and push the boundaries of voting rights for millions of people who work and pay taxes but don’t get a say in their local elections.

“A few towns already permit non-citizen residents to vote locally, but New York City would be by far the largest jurisdiction to do so.”

The Guardian article points out that in some boroughs of New York City, such as in parts of Queens, non-citizens make up as much as half of the population.

“Supporters of the legislation claim that politicians can overlook the needs of entire communities if non-citizens don’t have voting rights.”

The push for non-citizen voting rights in New York City underscores the “slippery slope” argument raised by many who fear that President Obama’s executive amnesty could permanently change the political power structure in America by providing a way for illegal immigrants to vote.

The Washington Times recently reported on the testimony concerned state officials gave to Congress in mid-February.

“President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty will make it easier for illegal immigrants to improperly register and vote in elections, state elections officials testified to Congress on Thursday, saying that the driver’s licenses and Social Security numbers they will be granted create a major voting loophole.”

As for the prospects that the New York City non-citizen voting legislation will pass, the Democrat-dominated city council certainly seems to be moving in that direction.

One of only three Republicans on the council has voiced his concern that giving non-citizens voting privileges may propel a wider movement that could do lasting damage to the country.

Said Councilman Erich Ulrich:

“The right to vote is a privilege and a sacred obligation that citizens have enjoyed. It should only be for United States citizens,” he told Newsday.

“It’s also a reason for people who are on a path to citizenship to aspire to citizenship. It’s something for them to look forward to.”

h/t: Downtrend

BCN editor’s note: This article first appeared at Western Journalism.

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