Is 'Gun Control' Good for Gun Sales?

gunIs leftist anti-gun rhetoric fueling gun sales? The Free Beacon reported that background check requests increased by 373,290 since last year.

Freedom-loving Americans have a healthy skepticism toward any discussion about making it harder for law-abiding people to own guns. The country could use more gun safety, not gun control. Liberal politicians seize on certain shooting tragedies to advocate government expansion. Criminals don’t care about violating gun laws.  

“Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the best gun salespeople on the planet. The more they scream for new gun control laws the more guns walk off the shelves at gun stores,” said Alan Gottlieb, the head of the Second Amendment Foundation. “To quote the lyrics of Peter, Paul and Mary, ‘When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.’”

Given the tradition of gun ownership among black Americans, they should be at the front lines opposing their government’s attempts to violate their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Star Parker’s CURE, BCN, and other freedom-loving black conservatives are united against gun control.

We say, never again.

Photo credit: “Glock17” by Ken Lunde, Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons.

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