Is Trump a Defender of Civil Rights? Alveda King Will Tell You

Rep. John Lewis called President Donald Trump’s efforts to determine whether people fraudulently vote are a form of “intimidation” and “harassment” and said he doesn’t understand the 1960s civil rights struggle.

Dr. Alveda King, the pro-life niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., contradicted that statement. The president is “leading the charge” for the civil rights for the voiceless and most vulnerable people — the unborn.

Everybody’s civil rights count. Dr. King said she and other blacks working with the president don’t have to defend him, “and President Trump might agree. We are defending America.”

Watch the brief clip to hear what Dr. King said about President Trump’s comments when he visited to new black history museum in Washington, D.C.

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  1. Dr. Alveda King represents the best in leadership abilities for all. The soft-spoken truths she espouses are solid, good rules that are eternally right. She is a role model for all.

  2. Thank you for the insight. May God continue to Bless and Keep you and your family. In Jesus Christ name. Amen.